Chapter+27+more+HWE-module 10

Chapter 27: Evolution of Life

Overview of Evolutionary Concepts

  • Early Evolutionary Thought

  • Darwin and Natural Selection

  • Evidence of Evolution

  • Microevolution

  • Evolutionary Processes

  • Macroevolution and Speciation

Page 1: Foundations of Evolutionary Thought

  • Evolution concepts predate Darwin.

    • Farmers and breeders (dog/flower) noted variations in species and bred for desired traits.

    • Colonialism exposed Western scientists to diverse new species.

    • Darwin’s grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, proposed early evolutionary ideas.

Page 2: Influential Ideas for Evolution

  • Jean-Baptiste Lamarck's Hypothesis:

    • Proposed that acquired characteristics could be inherited (e.g., giraffe necks).

    • Did not provide a mechanism for inheritance, leading to flaws in the theory.

  • Charles Lyell:

    • Proposed the Earth is much older than previously thought, gradual geological change continues.

  • Thomas Malthus:

    • Suggested human population growth is exponential, while resources grow linearly.

Page 3: Charles Darwin's Early Life

  • Darwin (1809-1882) came from a wealthy family, with a physician father and a Wedgwood mother.

  • His career path was uncertain; he shifted from medical school to clergy at Cambridge, ultimately becoming a naturalist on the H.M.S. Beagle at age 22.

Page 4: Darwin’s Voyage

  • Key locations explored:

    • North America, South America, Galápagos Islands, Australia, New Zealand.

  • Observations made during voyages contributed to his evolutionary theories.

Page 5: Development of Natural Selection

  • Darwin's studies on the Beagle revealed:

    • Diverse habitats and species with adaptive traits.

    • Similar species in different regions fit local environments.

  • Collaboration with Alfred Russell Wallace on the concept of natural selection.

Page 6: Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection

  • Components of Darwin’s Theory:

    1. Heritable variation exists within populations.

    2. Organisms compete for finite resources (food, habitat, mates).

    3. Some variations enhance reproductive success.

    4. Traits that promote reproductive success spread, leading to adaptation.

    • Adaptation: characteristic advantageous for survival; also a process of fitting to the environment.

Page 7: Evidence of Evolution: Theoretical Context

  • The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection is supported by comprehensive evidence from different fields.

  • Not merely a theory; incorporates extensive research findings from:

    • Fossils

    • Biogeography

    • Anatomy

    • Biochemistry

Page 8: Fossil Evidence

  • Fossil ages can be dated using:

    • Relative dating (rock layers)

    • Isotope dating

  • Fossilization conditions are scarce; specific requirements include hard body structures and appropriate burial conditions.

  • Transitional fossils (e.g., Ambulocetus, Archaeopteryx) illustrate evolutionary links.

Page 9: Geological Timescale

  • Earth is 4.6 billion years old, divided into four eons:

    1. Hadean: no life, high CO2, water vapor atmosphere.

    2. Archean: emergence of rock, first prokaryotic fossils (3.5 BYA).

    3. Proterozoic: eukaryotes appear (2.1 BYA).

    4. Phanerozoic: divided into

      • Paleozoic: marine life to land colonization.

      • Mesozoic: age of reptiles, rise of birds/mammals.

      • Cenozoic: diversification of modern life forms.

Page 10: Early Life Patterns

  • Major periods and events:

    • Cambrian (488.3 MYA): emergence of non-vascular land plants.

    • Ordovician (443.7 MYA): marine algae flourish.

    • Devonian (416.0 MYA): first terrestrial vertebrates.

  • Mass Extinctions:

    • Great Dying: 83% species extinction.

    • Other significant events affecting biodiversity.

Page 11: Evolutionary Patterns and Extinctions

  • Mass Extinctions:

    • A significant decline in biodiversity.

    • Adaptive radiation follows extinctions.

    • Notable extinctions (e.g., Cretaceous asteroid impact killing dinosaurs).

    • Current species decline believed to be driven by human activity.

Page 12: Biogeography: Patterns in Species Distribution

  • Biogeography examines species distribution patterns and adaptation.

  • Continental drift has caused species lineage to spread and diverge.

  • Historical climates have shaped current distribution.

Page 13: Biogeography Continued

  • Island species show evidence of colonization and adaptation.

  • Darwin’s finches and Hawaiian silver swords illustrate adaptive radiation based on environmental pressures.

Page 14: Anatomical Evidence

  • Comparison of species anatomy reveals:

    • Homologous Structures: similar underlying structure due to common ancestry despite different functions.

    • Analogous Structures: similar function but different evolutionary origin.

Page 15: The Role of Developmental Biology

  • Early embryonic development shows similarities among species.

    • Pharyngeal structures; human gills vs. fish.

    • Demonstrates common ancestry despite different adult forms.

Page 16: Biochemical Evidence

  • Genetic similarities across species:

    • All organisms share DNA, ATP usage, and many proteins.

    • Mutations accumulate, leading to diversification over time.

Page 17: Population Genetics: Mechanisms of Microevolution

  • Natural selection, mutations, migrations, and chance events drive microevolution.

  • Population genetics studies allele frequencies and distributions.

Page 18: Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

  • Established to explain variation in populations:

    • Conditions for equilibrium: no mutation, no migration, random mating, large population, no natural selection

  • Shift away from HWE indicates evolutionary change.

Page 19: Evaluating Hardy-Weinberg

  • Investigating allele frequencies provides a basis for formulating hypotheses.

  • Practical applications in identifying potential evolutionary pressures within a population.

Page 20: Hard Weinberg Calculations

  • Understanding allele frequencies in a population:

    • Simple dominant/recessive traits: A and a determination of frequencies (p and q).

Page 21: Troubleshooting HWE Problems

  • Using phenotype frequencies to derive genotype frequencies:

    • Homozygous recessives (aa) provide a starting point for calculations.

Page 22: Agents of Evolution

  • Key agents influencing variations in allele frequencies:

    1. Mutations: source of genetic variation, critical for selection.

    2. Genetic Drift: random shifts in allele frequencies.

    3. Gene Flow: movement of alleles between populations.

    4. Non-Random Mating: influences genotype frequencies.

    5. Natural Selection: primary mechanism aligning traits to environment.

Page 23: Genetic Drift and Its Effects

  • Founder Effect: Loss of genetic diversity when new populations form.

  • Bottleneck Effect: Population reduction leading to loss of variation impacting evolution.

Page 24: Gene Flow Dynamics

  • Allows populations to become more alike; may introduce new traits.

  • Essential for maintaining genetic diversity through crossover of alleles.

Page 25: Non-Random Mating Impacts

  • Influences trait distributions in predictable ways:

    • Assortative mating increases homozygosity, while disassortative increases heterozygosity.

Page 26: Natural Selection Explained

  • Mechanism requiring variation, competition, and reproductive success.

  • Adaptations emerge and spread over generations; unfavorable traits are reduced.

Page 27: Measuring Natural Selection

  • Fitness assessment as a measure of reproductive success:

    • High fitness associated with surviving offspring; factors like lifespan and mate attraction included.

Page 28: Patterns of Natural Selection

  • Selection pressures on traits result in diverse effects, including

    • Disruptive, directional, and stabilizing selection pressures affecting phenotype distributions.

Page 29: Maintenance of Variation

  • Variation persists despite natural selection, due to:

    • Frequency-dependent selection and oscillating selection strategies that shield against fixation.

Page 30: Heterozygote Advantage

  • Maintains genetic diversity by favoring heterozygotes in certain environments, as seen with sickle-cell anemia in malaria-prone regions.

Page 31: Macroevolution and Species Definition

  • Defining species through the Biological Species Concept (BSC): capable of mating and producing fertile offspring.

  • Maintained through reproductive isolation mechanisms.

Page 32: Mechanisms of Reproductive Isolation

  • Prezygotic isolation: includes ecological, behavioral, temporal, mechanical, and gametic barriers.

  • Postzygotic isolation: zygote mortality, hybrid sterility, and reduction in F2 fitness impact species continuation.

Page 33: Paths of Speciation

  • Allopatric speciation: geographic separation leading to genetic divergence.

  • Sympatric speciation: new species formation without geographic isolations, often through mechanisms like polyploidy.

Page 34: Adaptive Radiation

  • Evolution of diverse species from a common ancestor in varying habitats, following extinction events or colonization of new environments.

Page 35: Evolutionary Timeframes

  • Gradualism: conception of slow, gradual evolution over time.

  • Punctuated equilibrium: rapid bursts of evolution interspersed with longer periods of stability in species forms.


  • Evolutionary theory is a dynamic framework grounded in evidence from various biological fields, illustrating the intricate processes that shape life on Earth.
