Heredity: Transmission of characteristics from biological parents to offspring through genes at conception.
Male's sperm fertilizes female's egg (ovum).
Chromosomes in sperm and ovum carry genes from each parent, forming a unique zygote.
Influence of Genes: Genes affect physical traits (blood type, eye/hair color) and biological processes (growth of brain, hormonal changes).
Psychological development is also influenced by genetics, impacting traits like intelligence and personality.
Mental health disorders (e.g., schizophrenia, depression) have genetic components but are not solely inherited.
Environmental Factors: Experiences and contexts affect psychological development.
Influential factors include siblings, upbringing, friendship groups, education, job, income, housing, and media exposure.
Environmental influences can impact individual and collective development throughout life.
Historical Perspectives:
Early psychologists debated nature (heredity) vs. nurture (environment).
Biological View: Heredity regarded as the primary determinant of psychological development.
Skills, personality, and intelligence seen as inherited traits.
Behaviorist View: Environmental factors viewed as the main determinants, emphasizing learning.
Assumed a newborn's mind is a blank slate, shaped entirely by experiences.
Nature and Nurture Debate: Ongoing discussion clarified over time.
Both hereditary and environmental factors contribute to development.
Psychology now focuses on how these factors interact to influence behavior and mental processes.
Genetic Blueprint: Genetic information from conception outlines physical and psychological traits.
Environmental interactions affect the expression of these traits.
Major experiences can either positively or negatively influence development, depending on timing.
Example: Genetic predisposition for schizophrenia may require a major life stressor for onset.
Individual experiences vary significantly in their impact on development.
Two-Hit Model of Schizophrenia: Illustrates the interaction between genetic predisposition and environmental stressors.
Current Understanding: Shift from nature vs. nurture to nature and nurture debate.
Both factors are crucial for psychological growth.
Individuals actively shape their development from birth, not merely passive recipients of their environment.