Macroeconomists Study:
a. Individual households & firms
b. Interactions between households & firms
c. Regulations on firms & unions
d. Economy-wide phenomena. (Correct Answer)
the bacsic Supply and Demand Tools:
a. Only for individual markets
b. For overall economy, not individual markets
c. Central to microeconomics, seldom for macroeconomics
d. Central to both macroeconomic and microeconomic analysis. (Correct Answer)
Which of the following statistics is usually regarded as the best single measure of a society's economic well-being?
a. Stock market index
b. Producer price index
c. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Correct Answer)
d. Trade deficit
GDP Definition Gross domestic product measures
a. Measures both income and expenditures.(Correct Answer)
b. Measures expenditures only.
c. Measures income only.
d. Neither income nor expenditures.
Expenditures on a nation's domestic production
a. Less than production
b. Equal to dosmestic production. (Correct Answer)
c. Greater than production
d. Could vary
For an economy as a whole,
a. Wages = profit
b. Consumption = income
c. Income = expenditure. (Correct Answer)
d. Consumption = saving
In the GDP accounts production equals
a. Income. (Correct Answer)
b. Income + saving
c. Income - government expenditures
d. Income - imports
Transaction Impact on GDP:
a. More closely associated with income than expenditure. (Correct Answer)
b. Every transaction contributes equally
c. Firms must equal households in flow
d. Profits zero in circular-flows
Because every transaction has a buyer and a seller,
a. GDP is more closely associated with an economy's income than it is with an economy's expenditure.
b. every transaction contributes equally to an economy's income and to its expenditure.( correct answer)
c.the number of firms must be equal to the number of households in a simple circular-flow diagram.
d.firms' profits are necessarily zero in a simple circular-flow diagram.
If an economy's GDP rises, then it must be the case that the economy's
a. Rises = income & saving rise
b. Falls with market value rise
c. Market value falls & income rises
d. income and the market value of all production both rise.. (Correct Answer)
Total Income & Expenditure in Circular Flow:
a. Never equal
b. Seldom equal
c. Equal only government doesn’t purchase
d. Always equal. (Correct Answer)
Household Spending in Actual Economy:
a. Spend all income.
b. Divide among sectors(Correct Answer)
c. Buy all goods produced
d. Save all income
In the actual economy, goods and services are purchased by
a. Households only
b. Households & firms only
c. Households & government, no firms
d. Households, firms, and government. (Correct Answer)
According to the circular-flow diagram, GDP can be computed as
a. either the revenue firms receive from the sales of goods and services or the payments they make to factors of production.(Correct Answer)
b. Sales revenue only
c. Payments only
d. Neither
GDP from Market Relationships:
Figure 24-1:Refer to Figure 24-1. Which of the following pairs correctly identify W and Y?
a. W = Markets for factors, Y = Markets for goods.
b. Firms & households(Correct Answer)
c. Expenditures & income
d. Consumption & investment
Correct Flow Identification in Figure 24-1:
a. A, L, N, B. (Correct Answer)
Identifying X and Z in Figure 24-1:
a. Market flows and outputs. (Correct Answer)
GDP as Household Income:
a. Income from wages, rent, and profit. (Correct Answer)
b. Wages only
c. Payments for labor
d. Profits only
GDP Defined:
a. Value of all goods produced in a country. (Correct Answer)
b. By citizens regardless of location
c. Final goods only
d. Final goods by citizens only
Computation Basis for GDP:
a. Market prices. (Correct Answer)
Contribution Value Based on Prices:
a. Dress is five times as boots contribution
b. Boots contribute one-fifth of dress. (Correct Answer)
Included in GDP:
a. Market value of rental housing only
b. Market value of owner-occupied and rental housing. (Correct Answer)
Calculating GDP in Purchase Context:
a. Tutoring by a resident is included. (Correct Answer)
b. Foreign textbook purchase is not
c. Supplies by companies are included
d. Used textbook purchase excluded
Home Goods Contribution:
a. Included in GDP illegally
b. Home produced excluded; illegal included. (Correct Answer)
Behavioral Changes Impacting GDP:
a. Shift from home cooking to eating out increases GDP. (Correct Answer)
Correct Statements on Purchases:
Only grocery store purchases from Jane. (Correct Answer)
Farmer Goods Classification:
a. Final goods
b. Intermediate goods. (Correct Answer)
Bicycle Company Contribution:
b. $230 to GDP. (Correct Answer)
Reduction in Production Indicator:
b. GDP likely decreased. (Correct Answer)
U.S. Citizen Purchase Abroad:
b. Included in Aruba's GDP, not U.S.'s. (Correct Answer)
Statistical Discrepancy Understanding:
a. Data imperfection causes discrepancies. (Correct Answer)
Order of U.S. Income Measures:
c. GNP, NNP, National income, PI, DPI. (Correct Answer)
Relation of GDP to GNP:
d. GNP = GDP - Income by foreign earned. (Correct Answer)
Net Factor Payments Calculation:
c. GDP lower than GNP. (Correct Answer)
Citizen Working Abroad Income:
b. Included in GDP only. (Correct Answer)
Term for Depreciation in Accounts:
a. "Consumption of fixed capital." (Correct Answer)
Difference in National Income:
b. Statistical discrepancy factor. (Correct Answer)
Definition of Disposable Personal Income:
c. Households post taxes. (Correct Answer)
Knowing Disposable Personal Income Definition:
d. Total after government obligations. (Correct Answer)
GDP for Krugeveaux Calculation:
b. $600. (Correct Answer)
GNP Calculation for Krugeveaux:
c. $594. (Correct Answer)
Net National Product Calculation:
a. $590. (Correct Answer)
Personal Income Calculation:
d. $593. (Correct Answer)
Disposable Personal Income Calculation:
c. $719. (Correct Answer)
Investment in GDP:
c. Capital investments, inventories, structures. (Correct Answer)
Household Expenditure Types as Investment:
c. New house purchase. (Correct Answer)
Counted in GDP for Growth:
c. Spending on services. (Correct Answer)
Inventory Value Adjustment in GDP Context:
c. Treated as investment. (Correct Answer)
Government Purchases Definition:
c. All government levels. (Correct Answer)
Understanding Transfer Payments:
d. Excluded as not current production. (Correct Answer)
Net Exports Calculation:
c. Y - (C + I + G). (Correct Answer)
Interpreting Negative Net Exports:
d. Imports > exports. (Correct Answer)
Impact on GDP from Social Security:
b. Increases $220. (Correct Answer)
GDP and GNP Relational Equality:
b. Domestic production equal to ownership. (Correct Answer)
Reporting Spending Changes:
c. Change in output or prices. (Correct Answer)
Real GDP Definition:
b. The valuation at constant prices. (Correct Answer)
Growth Measurement:
d. Percentage change in real GDP. (Correct Answer)
GDP Deflator Understanding:
c. Nominal to real GDP ratio. (Correct Answer)
Changes in GDP Deflator Reasons:
a. Changes in prices only. (Correct Answer)
Describing Overall Rise in Prices:
b. Inflation. (Correct Answer)
Percentage Level Change Calculation:
b. Inflation Rate. (Correct Answer)
Calculating Real GDP from Nominal:
c. $57.1 billion. (Correct Answer)
Identifying GDP Deflator & Inflation Rate:
b. 9.16, -10.3. (Correct Answer)
GDP Growth Rate from Previous Years:
a. -8.62%. (Correct Answer)
Impact of Constant Prices on Nominal GDP:
a. 8.62% decrease. (Correct Answer)
Inflation Rate Change from 2016 to 2017:
b. 23.1%. (Correct Answer)
GDP for Lahland Measurement:
b. $10,000. (Correct Answer)
Recession Definition:
c. Decline in real GDP for two quarters. (Correct Answer)
Interpretation of GDP per Person:
c. Average person in economy. (Correct Answer)
Society Value Measures:
c. GDP indicates purchasing power for welfare. (Correct Answer)
Impact of Production Law Changes:
b. GDP increases excluding leisure effect. (Correct Answer)
Evaluation of Nominal GDP Growth:
b. Real GDP per person grew less than nominal. (Correct Answer)
International Data Insights on GDP & Well-being:
c. Correlation between GDP and quality of life. (Correct Answer)
Quality of Life & GDP Correlation:
b. Positive correlation with longer life expectancy. (Correct Answer)