8-9 paragraphs
Introduction ( ptgarc)
Body paragraphs ( start with an umbrella terms in elements are different)
have to have structure , syntax, punctuation , and diction.
Directing writing
a piece if writing based off of the style and language and the material of original passage.
Usually 120-150 words for a directed writing
Comparison essay
intro ( purpose, audience, register, and genre)
Body 1 convention ( grammar,syntax,genre elements)
Body 2 style ( part of speech, particular diction, figurative language)( tone+shift, mood+shift, Authors perspective + shift)
Body 3 ( form and structure)
Body 4 ( additional elements)
Descriptive writing
Onomatopoeia (at beginning)
Organization; time or distance
Conclusion: farewell or say goodbye
Turn around
Goodbye ( must be in the last sentence in the conclusion)
Narrative writing
introduction ( character and setting)
Complication ( problem, then something new that changes things)
Development( life but under new circumstances)
Climax ( this come to an head, dramatic movement happens)
Conclusion ( complete but might not be happy or sad)
Dear (Name of the person, Title of the person, and Company)
Introduction Paragraph: Introduce yourself, 2-3 sentences. 1°
sent (Name, use the phrase "I am to you")
Directive writing: 200 words, 1 body paragraph,
If the prompt requires, always use specific evidence Conclusion: has 5 main elements
1. Expectations (tell the reader what you want them to do after they read your letter, give them a specific time
2. Consequences (tell the reader what's going to happen, if they don't meet with your expectations, be firm but
3. I am looking forward, I look forward
4. Sign of phrase (Best regards, Kind regards, Sincerely)
5. Signature
- introduction, welcome the audience, introduce yourself and have a hook with question mark at the end. Credibility statement (make sure in highschool)
- Benefit for the audience (after listening to my speech)
- Thesis statement (start with today and use persuade word) ( persuasive words and two reasons)
- Never use author word or paraphrase idea
- Write word count at the end (MAKE SURE)
- Have at least 1 question mark, exclamation point and any another punctuation (…, - ,* )
· Topic sent, general statement, supporting detail, specific evidence
Dear diary (1st person)
Describe present moment and setting
Describe feeling and thoughts
Flashback that caused these thought
On whole day entry
Write questions
At the end show happiness or hope for future
Don’t sign the diary
Same thing as diary
Journal start w the date
Don’t say dear journal
Sign journal
Reference to writer
introduce yourself
Address audience
Introduce tdy topic
Introduce episode guest
Reference past ep
brief intro and a closing valediction
Block paragraphs containing thought of a single speaker
Script format ( 2 or more speaker)
Can be formal or informal
Include the recognition of a podcast
Inclusion of a conclusion ( next sure not to)
Formal report
-intro who u talking to
-when where and why u are doing this report
-least like to most like
conclusion ( balance statement starts w although and ends w overall, rating the place and a recommendation)
Movie review
Intro (title, genre, name, release date, actors )
Body p (plot, music, setting, and characterization)
Conclusion ( balance statement, rating , recommendation)
Restaurant review
Introduction (• Sentence that shows circumstances)
Body paragraph: (Entering the restaurant
→ Talk about atmosphere and host
→ how does the most/ atmosphere in the restaurant make you feel
describe the decoration and furniture (atmosphere- setting))
Last paragraph (any aspects you like if not have one, then conclusion)
Balance statement: despite and overall statement
Forcefully descriptive words -
Punctuation (bolding, capitalization, etc.)
Magazine article
Name of author & date
Two intro paragraphs ( topic $ background)
Body paragraph ( like a speech) ( 1 quote, 1 witness, comparison between past & present)
Prediction p ( what going to happen in future positive or negative)
Conclusion ( last sentence humorous or a quote that w be memorable)
Newspaper & Editorial
Name of author & date
Two intro paragraphs ( news event, background)
Body paragraph ( like a speech) ( 1 quote, 1 witness, comparison between past & present)
Prediction p ( what going to happen in future positive or negative)
Conclusion ( last sentence humorous or a quote that w be memorable)
Leaflet and brochure
intro ( 1-2 sent about engaging the audience)
After intro each subheading into bullet p
Intro list of leaflets subheadings
Subjects divided by p
Draw 3 lines
Subtitle and title
If prompt asks for guidance use the word “should”
heading should provide a hook
Title and subheading
Name of the product ( catchy slogan)
Address the physical & technological need
Include positive features
Connect w your audience thru slant and give them attention
In the end use call of action ( create sense of urgency)