In this lesson, we will explore the theme of current and future studies. This theme covers various aspects related to education, including the school system in France, school subjects, exams, and future options such as university, vocational training, and career choices.
The French education system is divided into several stages. Understanding the structure of this system is essential for grasping current and future study options.
a) Les Niveaux d'Éducation (Levels of Education)
L’école maternelle (3-6 ans) (Preschool: Ages 3-6)
Preschool is not mandatory but is very common in France. It prepares children for primary school.
Example: "La plupart des enfants en France commencent l’école maternelle à l’âge de trois ans." (Most children in France start preschool at the age of three.)
L’école primaire (6-11 ans) (Primary School: Ages 6-11)
Primary school is compulsory and covers grades CP (Cours Préparatoire) to CM2 (Cours Moyen 2e année).
Example: "Les élèves apprennent les bases en français, mathématiques, et histoire-géographie à l’école primaire." (Students learn the basics in French, mathematics, and history-geography in primary school.)
Le collège (11-15 ans) (Middle School: Ages 11-15)
Middle school is compulsory and includes grades 6e to 3e. At the end of 3e, students take the Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB).
Example: "Le collège prépare les élèves à l’examen du Brevet, qui évalue leurs connaissances générales." (Middle school prepares students for the Brevet exam, which assesses their general knowledge.)
Le lycée (15-18 ans) (High School: Ages 15-18)
High school is composed of grades Seconde, Première, and Terminale, preparing students for the Baccalauréat. There are different types of high schools:
Lycée général (General High School): Prepares students for university studies.
Lycée technologique (Technological High School): Prepares students for higher technical studies.
Lycée professionnel (Vocational High School): Prepares students directly for entry into the workforce.
Example: "Au lycée, les élèves choisissent une filière en fonction de leurs intérêts et de leurs compétences." (In high school, students choose a pathway based on their interests and skills.)
b) Les Matières Scolaires (School Subjects)
Les matières principales (Core Subjects)
Core subjects include mathematics, French, sciences, history-geography, and foreign languages.
Example: "Un élève en classe de troisième pourrait avoir des cours de mathématiques, de sciences, et de langues étrangères." (A student in 3e might have classes in mathematics, sciences, and foreign languages.)
Les matières optionnelles (Optional Subjects)
Optional subjects may include arts, music, sports, and technology.
Example: "Les élèves peuvent choisir des options comme l’art plastique ou la musique selon leurs intérêts." (Students can choose options like visual arts or music according to their interests.)
c) Les Examens et Diplômes (Exams and Diplomas)
Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB)
Obtained at the end of middle school, it assesses general knowledge.
Example: "Les élèves doivent passer des épreuves écrites et orales pour obtenir le Brevet." (Students must take written and oral exams to obtain the Brevet.)
Le Baccalauréat (The Baccalaureate)
The final exam of high school, with various pathways (general, technological, vocational).
Example: "Pour le Bac général, un élève peut choisir des spécialités comme les mathématiques, la physique-chimie, ou l’histoire-géographie." (For the general Bac, a student can choose specialties like mathematics, physics-chemistry, or history-geography.)
After high school, several choices are available to students based on their interests and results.
a) L’Université (University)
Choix de la filière (Choosing a Pathway):
Students choose a Bachelor's degree (L1, L2, L3) in various fields such as humanities, law, sciences, or economics.
Example: "Un étudiant en licence de droit suivra des cours de droit civil, droit constitutionnel, et droit pénal." (A law student will take courses in civil law, constitutional law, and criminal law.)
Organisation (Structure):
Studies are divided into semesters with exams at the end of each.
Example: "Les étudiants passent des examens à la fin de chaque semestre pour valider leurs unités d’enseignement." (Students take exams at the end of each semester to validate their course units.)
b) Les Grandes Écoles (Elite Schools)
Accès sélectif (Selective Admission):
These are prestigious institutions with rigorous entrance exams.
Example: "Pour entrer à Sciences Po, une des grandes écoles les plus réputées, les élèves doivent passer un concours difficile." (To enter Sciences Po, one of the most prestigious elite schools, students must pass a difficult entrance exam.)
Formation (Training):
They offer degrees in specific fields such as engineering, business, or politics.
Example: "Les grandes écoles forment des étudiants dans des domaines spécialisés comme l’ingénierie et le commerce." (Elite schools train students in specialized fields like engineering and business.)
c) La Formation Professionnelle (Vocational Training)
Objectif (Objective):
Prepares students for a specific job, often through a combination of theoretical courses and practical experience in a company.
Example: "Un élève en CAP cuisine suivra des cours de techniques culinaires et fera des stages en restaurant." (A student in a CAP cooking program will take courses in culinary techniques and do internships in restaurants.)
Diplômes (Diplomas):
Diplomas such as CAP (Certificat d’Aptitude Professionnelle) and BEP (Brevet d’Études Professionnelles).
Example: "Les étudiants en formation professionnelle peuvent obtenir des diplômes comme le CAP ou le BEP." (Students in vocational training can obtain diplomas such as CAP or BEP.)
d) Les Formations en Alternance (Work-Study Programs)
Principe (Principle):
Combines school studies with work in a company, allowing students to gain experience while continuing their education.
Example: "Un étudiant en BTS pourrait travailler en entreprise trois jours par semaine et suivre des cours les deux autres jours." (A student in a BTS program could work in a company three days a week and attend classes the other two days.)
The choice of studies has a direct impact on career prospects. It is important to carefully consider the available options.
a) Le Choix de la Carrière (Career Choice)
Passion vs Réalité (Passion vs Reality):
It is essential to find a balance between what one loves to do and what is achievable in the job market.
Example: "Un étudiant passionné par les nouvelles technologies pourrait choisir une carrière dans la cybersécurité, un domaine en pleine expansion." (A student passionate about new technologies might choose a career in cybersecurity, a rapidly growing field.)
Les métiers en demande (In-Demand Jobs):
Certain sectors like healthcare, IT, and engineering offer numerous opportunities.
Example: "Les métiers dans le domaine de la santé et de l’informatique sont très recherchés." (Jobs in healthcare and IT are highly sought after.)
b) Les Stages et Expériences Professionnelles (Internships and Work Experience)
Importance (Importance):
Internships allow students to discover the working world and gain initial professional experience.
Example: "Un étudiant en marketing pourrait faire un stage dans une agence de publicité pour mieux comprendre le fonctionnement des campagnes publicitaires." (A marketing student might do an internship in an advertising agency to better understand how advertising campaigns work.)
c) La Mobilité Internationale (International Mobility)
Études à l'étranger (Studying Abroad):
More and more students choose to pursue their studies in another country to enrich their experience and improve their language skills.
Example: "Un étudiant français pourrait partir un semestre en Espagne pour améliorer son espagnol tout en suivant des cours à l’université." (A French student might spend a semester in Spain to improve their Spanish while taking university courses.)
d) Programmes d'échange (Exchange Programs)
Programs like Erasmus+ offer opportunities to study in different European countries.
Example: "Le programme Erasmus+ permet aux étudiants de passer un semestre ou une année dans une autre université européenne." (The Erasmus+ program allows students to spend a semester or a year at another European university.)