Chapter 20

Khalid keeps a spreadsheet to record his expenses and to plan for future spending. This spreadsheet is split into two separate sheets, which he has named Plan and Model. Plan contains details of his future spending. Model contains a model of his income and expenses

(a) Khalid has entered a formula in cell C4 of the Model sheet. The formula is B4+(B4*Plan!$B13) Explain, in detail, what the formula does. Include in your answer an explanation of why the $ and the ! are used in the formula.

  • It calculates the 2021 income in the Model sheet by increasing the 2020 income by 2.5%

  • The 2.5% is taken from the Income Growth cell in the Plan sheet

  • The $ is needed as the column B needs to be retained when the formula is replicated

  • The ! is needed to show that the data is being taken from a different worksheet

(b) He is saving up to buy a new car; this will cost at least $35,000. Khalid has entered a formula in cell B21 of the Model sheet. The formula is IF(B20>35000,"Y","N") Explain, in detail, what the formula does.

  • the formula automatically displays a Y

  • if the Savings cell/B20 is greater than $35 000

  • otherwise it displays an N

(c) Khalid is planning to create an appropriate graph/chart to be placed in a new sheet. The graph/chart will display the % of income and the names of the expenditure items from the Plan sheet. Identify the most appropriate graph/chart he could use and describe the steps he needs to take to produce this graph/chart in a new sheet.

  • Pie chart

steps he needs to take to produce this graph/chart in a new sheet.:

  • Select Plan sheet

  • Highlight A5:A10

  • Press CTRL and highlight D5:D10

  • Click on insert chart

  • Select pie chart

  • Choose style of chart

  • Add a title

  • Add data/axes labels

  • Add legend

  • Add a name for the new sheet

  • Right click on the chart and move to a new sheet or copy and paste in the new sheet

answer must have the last point to get all marks

The teacher has created a formula in the spreadsheet that calculates the cost of purchasing a number of different items. She has created a formula that:

  • subtracts the discount per item from the price of the item to find the cost of the item

  • then multiplies the cost of the item by the quantity.

The formula she enters into cell E2 is:


When this formula is entered into cell E2 the result is not what she expected. The result should

be $15.00. Explain why the result was not $15.00

  • Brackets/parentheses missing around B2-C2

  • Multiplication was carried out first then the subtraction

  • The order of calculation should follow BODMAS/BIDMAS/PEMDAS

Tawara school has a shop that sells items needed by pupils in school. Part of a spreadsheet with details of the items is shown

Write down the number of rows that are shown in the spreadsheet that contain text

6 rows

Write down the number of columns that are shown in the spreadsheet that contain text

8 columns

Tax is paid on certain items sold in the shop. The tax rate that has to be paid is 20% of the selling price. If tax is to be paid on an item, then ‘Y’ is placed underneath the Tax heading.

The formula in I4 is: IF(F4=''Y'',($I$1*D4*G4),'''')

Explain, in detail, what the formula does.

  • If Tax is payable then//If F4 is equal to "Y" then

  • If true the tax is paid

  • Multiply the rate of tax/I1 by the selling price/D4

  • … by the amount sold/G4

  • If Tax is not payable//If F4 <>"Y"//Else//Otherwise …

  • … then display a blank

  • … the tax is not paid

Explain the steps that need to be taken to display cell H4 as US dollars.

  • Highlight/select cell H4

  • Select format cells

  • Select currency/accounting

  • Select dollar/USD icon

Explain the differences between a VLOOKUP function and a LOOKUP function.

  • LOOKUP allows for horizontal and vertical searching whereas VLOOKUP allows for vertical searching

  • LOOKUP does not require an index value/only works on the second row/column whereas VLOOKUP requires an index value

  • LOOKUP usually only works when the data is sorted

  • VLOOKUP only returns data to the right of the searched column

  • VLOOKUP user can select either an approximate or exact match to the lookup value

A spreadsheet contains a list of staff and the rooms they work in at a school.

(i) Explain, in detail, what the formula in cell E2 does.

  • The formula looks up the value in D2 in the (range) A2 to A7

  • And returns the corresponding value

  • In the 3rd column/Column C

(ii) When certain room numbers are typed into cell D2 unexpected results appear in cell E2. Suggest improvements that could be made to ensure the correct result is displayed.

Add FALSE/0 to the end of the formula – 1 mark

Sort the range into ascending order of column A – 1 mark

A teacher in the school has created a spreadsheet to display whether a student has good timekeeping when arriving at lessons. He has produced a formula but thinks it could be improved. The formula is:

(c) Write down the value that should appear in cell C4


(d) The teacher has improved the formula and has typed in =VLOOKUP(B4,A$14:B$18,2) Explain the advantages of using this formula compared to the original one

  • Quicker to type in the formula

  • Fewer mistakes when typing in the formula

  • Easier to spot mistakes

  • Easier to expand the range

  • Takes up less storage space

  • Easier to remember when retyping

You are creating a presentation on the World Games. You have created a spreadsheet showing the number of gold, silver and bronze medals awarded to different countries. You are planning to create a graph in the presentation showing the country, the number of gold medals and the total number of medals.

(a) Explain how you would create a vertical bar chart, showing the name of the country, the number of gold medals and the total number of medals awarded to each country, on a new slide in the presentation.

Max four from:

  • Open spreadsheet

  • Load the file

  • Select B3 to C13

  • Then hold CTRL and select F3 to F13

  • Click insert then click bar chart/graph

  • Select the format/type of chart/graph

  • Highlight the chart/graph

  • Copy the bar chart/graph

Max four from:

  • Open the presentation software

  • Add a new slide

  • Click on new slide

  • Paste the bar chart/graph

  • Add titles/legend/axes labels

  • Save the file

(b) The total number of medals has been calculated manually and entered as a value. This could lead to errors. Explain how you could create a formula to calculate the total number of medals awarded for Italy, using only the mouse

  • Click on the cell F4

  • Select formulas

  • Click Autosum/Σ

  • Check the correct range has been highlighted/highlight/drag C4 to E4

  • Click

(c) Explain how the data could be sorted by the total number of medals won by each country. The country with the largest number of medals should be at the top of the list.

  • Highlight B3 to F13

  • Click Data then Sort

  • Select data has headers

  • Sort by Total/Column F

  • Select Largest to smallest/Descending/Z to A

  • Click OK/enter

A computer system is being created to calculate the scores in a diving competition. Every dive by an athlete is awarded a score out of 10 by each judge.

The system is being tested using live data. An athlete completes his dive with a difficulty of 3.4 and achieves the following scores, which are displayed in a spreadsheet

(a) Before the overall score is calculated the judges’ scores need to be sorted into ascending order. Describe the steps that would be carried out to sort the data into ascending order.

  • Highlight cells A4 to B10

  • Click on the down arrow//Click on Custom Sort

  • Select column B

  • Select smallest to largest/A Z

(b) Cell B12 contains the formula, ROUND((SUM(B5:B9)*D1),1).

Explain what the formula in cell B12 does

  • Totals cells B5 to B9

  • Multiplies by cell D1

  • Rounds the value to 1 decimal place

(c) The judges’ score column will be tested using normal, abnormal and extreme data. Explain, giving examples of test data which would be used, what is meant by:

Abnormal test data

  • data that is outside the range//Unacceptable data//Data of the wrong type

  • example: greater than 10, negative numbers, letters, symbols

Extreme test data

  • data that is on the boundary of acceptability

  • example: 10

The student has transferred the data into a spreadsheet in order to create a graph.

(a) She has entered a formula in cell G3. The formula is


Explain in detail what the formula in G3 does. Include in your answer an explanation of the use of the $ sign.

  • The formula counts the number of times

  • Vanuatu/contents/value of F3

  • Appears in the country list/A3 to A19

  • The $ allows the range to remain static if replicated/search in the same range if replicated

(b) The student is creating an appropriate chart/graph of the data in cells F3 to G10.

Write down the steps she needs to take to produce a chart/graph of the data on the same sheet. Your answer must include examples of an appropriate title and labels.

Max four from:

  • Highlight F3 to G10

  • Click Insert Chart

  • Click Bar chart//column graph

  • Select layout/type of bar chart

  • Add title to the chart

  • Add axes

  • Add a legend

  • Save the chart

Three from, for example:

  • Title – Earthquakes in 2019

  • X/horizontal axis label – Countries

  • Y axis label/vertical – Number of earthquakes
