Bible Season 4

4-point Biblical timeline and where we live on it (slide 24)

·       Definition of the Already but not yet (Slide 24)

The tension we experience living after the cross, but waiting for new creation

·       The 4 layers of literary context (slide 42)

Verse, chapter, book, biblical

·       Parts of Book Context (Slide 43)

Author, audience, purpose, themes, topics

·       Info on Luke (slide 44)

Doctor, same author of Luke, Luke 1:1-4

·       Audience of Acts (slide 45)

Theophilus (lover of God, writing for all believers

·       Purpose of Acts (slide 46)

Give an accurate, historical account of the events following Jesus’s resurrection and too highlight the good news of Jesus

·       4 themes of Acts (slide 47)

The work of the holy spirit, birth and growth of the church, witnessing about Jesus, hope in suffering

·       Structure of Acts (slide 48)

3 sections

·       Thesis statement of Acts 1:1-8 (slide 50)

The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and you will be my witness in Jerusalem, Sameria, ends of the earth

·       How to find verse context (slide 66)

Everything in the same section, find the section the verse is in, read the section and summarize

·       How to map chapter context (slide 67)

Find sections in current chapter, sections in previous and after chapter

·       What to do with book context (slide 68)

Author, audience, themes, topics, purpose

·       What is a Biblical “hyperlink?” (slides 70)

A reference that connects to another part of scripture always see if it connects to genesis 3

·       The hyperlinks of the Ascension (Slide 75)

Hebrew 4:14-16

·       Why the ascension matters (slide 80)

We can go boldly before God, we have a place in God’s presence, Jesus is always praying for us

·       Definition of Holy Spirit (86)

Gods personal presence

·       What Pentecost originally celebrated (Slide 95)

The giving of the law to moses

·       The major hyperlink in Pentecost (Slide 96)

Exodus 19:16-25

·       Interpretation of Pentecost (slide 97)

At Pentecost HS comes and fills disciples and makes them speak the same language, they all testify for Jesus, reverses affects of the fall

·       Definition of the Church (slide 111)

The people of God in worship

·       Two Major beliefs in the Nicene Creed (113)

God is fully man and fully God, god is trinity

·       Mission of the church (Slide 114)

Witness about Jesus
