

  • Recognized as carbs or carbohydrates.

  • Essential macronutrients for energy in the body.

Muscle Contraction Types

  • Type of muscle contraction that causes most damage:

    • Students discussed and agreed that eccentric contractions are responsible for muscle damage.

    • Example: During a jump, the muscle contraction is concentric (lifting) when going up, and eccentric (controlled lowering) when landing.

Glycolytic System

  • Associated with muscle contractions and energy production.

Impulse and Biomechanics

  • Importance of understanding biomechanics in strength training.

  • Impulse is described as: Force times the time the force is applied.

    • Important for enhancing performance through effective application of force.

Motion & Strength Training

  • Discussed the evolution of strength training practices since the 1960s.

  • The importance of understanding how strength training can enhance performance and biomechanics.

Cardiovascular Training: FIT Formula

  • F.I.T. Formula contains:

    • F: Frequency - recommended 5 days a week.

    • I: Intensity - moderate intensity.

    • T: Time - approx. 30 minutes of exercise.

Improvements from Exercise

  • Notable physiological improvements from regular physical activity:

    • Stroke volume increases - heart becomes more efficient.

    • Increases in the number of capillaries for better blood and nutrient delivery.

    • Enhancements in hemoglobin levels, which improve oxygen transportation in the bloodstream.

VO2 Max

  • VO2 Max test: measures the efficiency of the cardiovascular system. Important for determining aerobic capacity.

Heart Rate Resting Values

  • Average resting heart rate rescaled for males discussed:

    • Expected resting heartbeat: Approximately 72 beats per minute.

METs (Metabolic Equivalent of Task)

  • MET level of 1 signifies a resting state.

    • Endurance training targets are higher MET levels, with 8 METs being considered beneficial.

Study Guide

  • Utilize the discussed points as study material before upcoming assessments.

  • Prepare key concepts around muscle contractions, strength training, FIT formula, and cardiovascular efficiency.
