Social studies 27 28

I The New Republic Expands

a. The Second Great Awakening featured a rise in church membership and revival


b. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau were leaders of the

transcendentalist philosophy.

c. The Underground Railroad consisted of conductors, hiding places, and escape


d. e. Harriet Tubman was a former slave who led more than 300 slaves to freedom.

Women's rights were the main issue covered in the Seneca Falls Convention in

New York.

f. g. h. Any person opposed to slavery was known as an abolitionist,

Horace Mann was known as the “Father of American Public Education.

Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman in the U. S. to receive her medical

doctor’s degree.

i. Using braille in books was an improvement implemented by Samuel Gridley


j. k. l. The name of Louis Dwight is associated with prison reform.

The area of reform Thomas Gallaudet was known for is in regard to deaf people.

Dorothea Dix was instrumental in creating hospitals for mentally insane people.

m. Emma Willard and Mary Lyon were known for creating institutions of higher

education for women.

n. o. The Mormons establish a permanent settlement in the state of Utah.

The correct order in which these historical events happened is The battle of

Alamo, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the Missouri Compromise, and the

Gadsden Purchase.

p. Stephen Austin and Sam Houston were the two Texan leaders who fought for its

independence from Mexico.

q. Millard Fillmore was the President of the U.S. who signed the Missouri

Compromise into law.

r. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was an organizer of the Seneca Falls Convention and a

strong women’s rights advocate.

II Essays

a. Given the fact that they go in two different directions, what was the main difference

between the Oregon and Santa Fe trails?

b. Explain what the phrase “Manifest Destiny” means

c. Describe two of the main features of the Missouri Compromise of 1850

d. Describe how the discovery of gold in California impacted the westward movement. (

e. Identify 3 hazards or dangers of pioneer travel

III Matching:

1.William Travis Was in command of American troops at the Battle of the Alamo

2.Marcus Whitman, a missionary who established missions for Indians in the Oregon




3. Fredrick Douglass a major leader of the American Anti-Slavery Society who gave fiery

4.James Gadsden was responsible for buying Arizona and New Mexico from the

5. John Jacob Astor established a fur trading company in the Oregon Territory

6. Joseph Smith founder of the Mormon religion

7. Susan B. Anthony organized the Seneca Falls Convention and a leader in women’s


8. Santa Anna Mexican dictator who lost at the Battle of San Jacinto

9. Thaddeus Stevens strong advocate for free public education and an abolitionist

10 John C. Fremont leader of the Bear Flag Revolt

11. William Becknellblazed the Santa Fe Trail with some friends

12. Lucretia Mott pro women’s rights and abolitionist who organized a female

anti-slavery society

13. Brigham Young appointed territorial governor of Utah

14. Father Junipero Serra established nine missions in California

15. James Marshall person who originally discovered gold at Sutter’s Mill

16. William Lloyd Garrison founded a newspaper, The Liberator, devoted to abolishing
