Both teams may score points regardless of who is serving.
This is known as Rally Serving.
A team is allowed three hits to return the ball to the opposing side.
The preferred sequence of hits is:
Leg Power: Utilize power from your legs.
Arms Position: Don’t swing your arms; keep them even.
Contact: Strike the volleyball with your forearms.
Elbows: Keep elbows out.
Fingertips: Strike the ball with your fingertips.
Catching: Avoid catching the volleyball.
Footwork: Step with your opposite foot.
Contact Point: Strike the ball with the palm of your hand.
Angle: Strike the ball at a downward angle.
Hand Position: Strike with the palm of your hand.
If the volleyball hits the net and crosses over to the other side, it counts as a point for the team that hit it over.
A volleyball landing on the line of the court is considered in.
Catching the ball is classified as an illegal hit.
Players are prohibited from touching the net.