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Norsk. Sympatisor 

  • Fikk- Got

  • Retten- The (Judicial) Court

  • Kongressmedlemmene- The Congress Members

  • Hores- Sounds

  • Unnskyldningen- The Excuse

  • Dommeren- The Judge

  • Dom- Verdict

  • Latterlig- Ridiculous

  • Logn- Lie

  • Skjeede- happened

  • Samtidig- Simultaneous

  • Formelt- Formerly

  • Skulle- Should

  • Godkjenne- Approve

  • Valg- Election

  • Juks- Cheating

  • Egentlige- Actual

Norsk. Sympatisor 

  • Fikk- Got

  • Retten- The (Judicial) Court

  • Kongressmedlemmene- The Congress Members

  • Hores- Sounds

  • Unnskyldningen- The Excuse

  • Dommeren- The Judge

  • Dom- Verdict

  • Latterlig- Ridiculous

  • Logn- Lie

  • Skjeede- happened

  • Samtidig- Simultaneous

  • Formelt- Formerly

  • Skulle- Should

  • Godkjenne- Approve

  • Valg- Election

  • Juks- Cheating

  • Egentlige- Actual