World History Review

1) Common goals at Congress of Vienna

  • Restore balance of power by redrawing map of Europe so no one has too much power

  • Maintain absolute rule and suppress liberal ideas - keep everything conservative and do things like they always have been

  • Resulted in Concert of Europe - system where European powers cooperated to maintain stability

2) Causes of 19th century revolutions

  • liberal origins:

    • Civil Rights - people demanded constitutions, suffrage, and political representation

    • Ethnic nationalism - several groups like Greeks, Belgians, and Poles sought independence from empires

    • Economic Reasons - Industrialization led to worker exploitation and economic instability which sparked revolts. the poor wanted more

3) Greek and Belgian Revolutions

  • Greek

    • Fought for independence from the ottoman empire (turks)

    • gained international support due to admiration for classical Greece and Christian solidarity

  • Belgium

    • Revolted against Dutch by citing cultural and religious differences

    • Became a neutral state after securing independence

4) Junkers

  • German elite who run the country and want to unify German states

  • Own a lot of land in Prussia

5) German Unification

  • Northern unification happened first, before Southern.

  • Northern

    • Schleswig & Holstein - Prussia wanted these states but Denmark and Austria are in the way

  • Southern

    • Catholic & more liberal

    • Franco-Prussian War - start war w/ France in hope of southern states joining which they later did

      • War proved Germany was the strongest country

      • Later capture Napoleon and Spain, Alsace & Lorraine, becoming bigger with new territory

      • King Wilhelm gives Bismarck his blessing and gets crowned at Versailles to piss off the French

6) Industrial Revolution

  • When

    • late 1700s (late 18th century)

  • Where

    • Britain

  • First Industry

    • Textiles

  • Why

    • increasing population

    • natural resources in Britain

    • colonies (imperialism) - provided raw materials and markets

    • Stable political system that encouraged investment

    • economic strength

7) Results of Industrialization

  • Mass production - factories replaced handcrafting

  • innovation and applied science

  • urbanization - growing cities leading to slums and diseases

  • New Social classes - middle class gained influence and working class suffered from poor conditions

  • Social mobility increased- education and wealth creation

  • Foreign Policy (Imperialism) - more nations that start industrializations become imperialism nations

8) Adam Smith

  • advocated laissez-faire (self-interest) - govt should keep hands off economy but not 100% laissez-faire

  • Government’s roles: provide schools, provide and build roads, and provide army for nation

9) Karl Marx/Marxism

  • father of socialism, thought laissez-faire was garbage, advocated for poor.

  • communism vs. socialism

  • communist manifesto - predicted class struggle and revolution

10) Classical vs. Contemporary Liberalism

  • Classical

  • Contemporary

    • want gov. to be involved, environmental improvements, taxation and who benefits form it

11) Social Darwinism

  • “survival of the fittest”

  • used to conquest other countries, justify racist actions and beliefs, just extreme nationality, used to build stronger and a more powerful military to conquer other countries

12) Otto von Bismarck

  • Realpolitik - policies based on pragmatism, not ideology

  • advocated “Blood & iron” - if there’s war needed to accomplish a goal, they go to war

13) William/Wilhelm of Prussia

  • Kaiser (Emperor)

  • gave blessing to Bismarck, crowned at Versailles to piss off French

14) Charles Darwin

  • was very controversial

  • said we share a common ancestor (monkey)

  • Herbert Spencer took Darwin’s ideas of evolution and applied it to society

  • Social Darwinism vs. Enlightenment ideas: we’re not equal/we’re better than others vs. we’re all equal

15) Urban Problems

16) Map of Europe c. 1870 (5 nations)
