### Combining Forms
The combining forms that follow are common in medical terms used to describe conditions, diagnostic and surgical procedures, and therapeutic treatments related to the respiratory system.
|Combining Form (Root Word plus Combining Vowel)|Meaning|
|alveol/o|alveolus; air sac|
|angi/o|vessel (blood)|
|atel/o|incomplete; imperfect|
|bol/o|cast; throw|
|bronch/o|bronchus; bronchial tube|
|bronchi/o|bronchiole; smaller subdivision of the bronchus|
|dilat/o|to enlarge; expand|
|laryng/o|larynx; voice box|
|ox/o, ox/i|oxygen|
|pharyng/o|pharynx; throat|
|pleur/o|pleura; serous membrane that enfolds the lung|
| | |
|pneum/o, pneumon/o|lung; air|
|resuscit/o|to revive|
|sin/o, sinus/o|sinus; cavity|
|trache/o|trachea; windpipe|
### Prefixes
The prefixes that follow are common in medical terms pertaining to the respiratory system as well as to other body systems. Which of these prefixes have you already mastered?
| Prefix | Meaning |
| ------ | ------------------------------ |
| a- | not; without |
| anti- | against |
| brady- | slow |
| dys- | painful; difficult |
| em- | in |
| endo- | in; within |
| epi- | on; over; upon |
| eu- | good; normal |
| hyper- | above; above normal; excessive |
| hypo- | below; below normal; deficient |
| in- | in; into; not |
| poly- | many; much |
| tachy- | fast |
### Suffixes
The suffixes that follow are common in medical terms used to describe conditions, procedures, and treatments relating to the respiratory system. You are already familiar with many of these suffixes from your study of other body systems.
|-al, -ary, -ial, -ic, -tic|pertaining to|
|-ant|substance that promotes|
|-ation|process; condition|
|-capnia|carbon dioxide|
|-centesis|surgical puncture to remove fluid|
|-ectasis|dilation; expansion|
|-emia|blood condition|
|-genic|produced by or in|
|-ion|process; state; condition|
|-ism|process; condition|
|-metry|process of measuring|
|-or|one who (or something that) takes action or does something|
|-rrhea|flow; excessive discharge|
|-spasm|muscle contraction|
|-stenosis|narrowing; tightening|
|-stomy|surgical opening|
|-thorax|chest; pleural cavity|
|-tomy|process of cutting; incision|
## [Chapter 8 Common Medical Abbreviations ](https://www.g-wonlinetextbooks.com/introduction-medical-terminology-cws-2023/~~Attachments/ch08/abbreviations.htm)
The following medical abbreviations are commonly used in reference to the respiratory system. These abbreviations provide a shorthand method of communication among healthcare professionals concerning pathological conditions, diagnostic tests, surgical procedures, and therapeutic treatments. These abbreviations can be found in this chapter and in the medical record activity that follows.
|**ABGs**|arterial blood gases|
|**ARDS**|acute respiratory distress syndrome|
|**BP**|blood pressure|
|**BS**|breath sounds; blood sugar; bowel sounds|
|**BVM**|bag valve mask|
|**CF**|cystic fibrosis|
|**CO2**|carbon dioxide|
|**COPD**|chronic obstructive pulmonary disease|
|**CPAP**|continuous positive airway pressure|
|**CPR**|cardiopulmonary resuscitation|
|**C&S**|culture and sensitivity|
|**CXR**|chest X-ray|
|**DTP**|diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis|
|**ER**|emergency room|
|**NC**|nasal cannula|
|**PE**|pulmonary embolism|
|**PFT**|pulmonary function test|
|**Pt, pt.**|patient|
|**RSV**|respiratory syncytial virus|
|**RT**|respiratory therapy|
|**SARS**|severe acute respiratory syndrome|
|**SIDS**|sudden infant death syndrome|
|**SpO2**|peripheral capillary oxygen saturation|
|**TB**|tuberculin; tuberculosis|
|**TCDB**|turn, cough, deep breathe|
|**URI**|upper respiratory infection|