French vocab Le PP Chpt 6-9

adieux (les) - (the) farewell

anéantir - to destroy / annihilate

apparaître - to appear

arracher - to tear out

arroser - to water

assister à - to attend

bâiller - to yawn

Baobab (le) - a Baobab

bavard - chatty

beau - beautiful / attractive

bonnes et mauvaise graines (les) - good & bad seeds

brindille (une) - a twig

cesser - to cease

coquet - stylish / elegant / flirty

les courants d’air - drafts

craindre - to fear

croître - to grow

deviner - to guess

enrhumé - who has a cold (adj.) (Ex: Je suis enrhumé. / J’ai un rhume.) 

épine (une) - a thorn

germer - to germinate / to sprout

gonfler - to swell / to inflate

graine (la) - the seed

grave - serious

griffe (une) - a claw

heureux - happy

larmes (les) - tears

lever du soleil (le) - the sunrise

mensonge (un) - lie

migration (une) - a migration

oiseau (un) - a bird

orgueilleux - proud / arrogant

pétale (la) - the petal

pousser - to push / to grow

ramoner - to sweep (ex: a chimney)

s’en aller - to go away

s’enfuir - to flee / to take flight

s’excuser - to apologize

s’occuper de - to take care of

se rendre compte - to realize

secouer - to shake

soin (le) - the care

sol (le) - the ground

sot - stupid / dumb

supporter - to support / to tolerate

tâcher de - to try

toilette (la) - ablutions

tousser - to cough

volcan (le) - volcano 
