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Mood disorder

Diagnostic criteria

Emotions are temporary, moods are long term

Mood disorder → period of time with an emotion dominant their thoughts for at least 2 weeks

Depressive episode: low mood, suicidal thoughts, lack motivation, fatigue

Manic: euphoria and self confidence, super active, impulsive, reckless, behavior exaggerated, hallucination

Episode: a time period where a mood is in dominance

Polar: mood at the extreme end of a spectrum

ICD-11 judge by the duration and intensity of the moods

Depressive disorder (unipolar)

Mood ranges from normal to depressive episode

A person with at least 2 depressive episodes → recurrent depressive disorder

Bipolar disorder (manic + depressive episodes)

The 2 moods switches back and forth, once or twice a year

Bipolar (type 1)

Has depressive and manic state

Bipolar (type 2)

Has hypomanic instead of manic (less active, better than manic)

Type 2 are better in daily activity


Experiences depressive symptoms but never reach the threshold for diagnosis depressive episode


Less severe than bipolar, experience multiple hypomania + depressive episode over last 2 years, but symptoms are not as bad as bipolar

Measure of Depression: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)

How to collect data?

21 items , likert, (0-3)

Only use for 13+ years old

10 being cut off score, below that is normal, higher is mild depression

What does it measure?

Statements (self-dislike, pessimistic) and how they feel the past 2 weeks

5-10 mins to complete (short test)

Good test-retest reliability —> Use to assess the efficacy (effectiveness) of treatment given

Reliable across ethnic group

Correlated with other depression test (Hamilton Depression Scale)

Good at detect bipolar disorder (Type 1) + recurrent depressive disorder (cause most bipolar start with depression)

Not good at detect disorders like bipolar (type 2) and dysthymic

Self-report. Patient may lie

Lack qualitative data

Assumes depression is within the person

Need info about situation that sustain depression

Biological causes

Monoamine hypothesis

Lack of monoamines ( group of neurotransmitter, dopamine, noradrenaline, serotonin)

Noradrenaline: neurotransmitter in amygdala for emotion

Low noradrenaline level cause depression

(Drugs for high blood pressure lowers noradrenaline but caused depression)

Serotonin control mood and noradrenaline

Low serotonin = low noradrenaline = depression

High serotonin = high noradrenaline = manic episodes

What affects serotonin level?

Serotonin made by tryptophan (amino acid, found in meat), change in diet with tryptophan affect serotonin level

Affected by cortisol (stress hormone)

Lack nurture: a child that got adopted by depressed parent can develop depression as well, even tho no genes are shared

Culture differences: Chinese women genes (LHPP) associated with depression, while European is not


High concordance rate for female MZ twins (44%) compared to 16% of female DZ twins

Candidate genes: Female bipolar have more allele 1 of 5-HTT and allele S of 5-HT2c (only for heterozygotic)

Key study: Oruc ( 5-HTT , 5-HT2c genes in bipolar disorder)

Whether 5-HT2c & 5-HTT genes (associated with serotonin transmission) are more common in bipolar disorder

Correlation study

Analyze blood sample of bipolar (type 1) and healthy people, testing for polymorphism in 5-HTT and 5-HT2c (see if specific DNA have variant or not)

5-HT2c, code for serotonin receptor

5-HTT, code for serotonin transporter

42 Croatian ppt (bipolar type 1) + 40 control ppt (matched for sex and age). From 2 Croatia Psychiatric institution, opportunity sampling

All info collected from medical records

No significant difference in genes in bipolar and normal. However, female bipolar more likely to have gene polymorphism:

  1. Allele 1 of 5-HTT

  2. More allele S of 5-HTR2c. Only in heterozygotic females (who carry 2 genes from mother and father)

==> No genes are linked to bipolar, however, female serotonin polymorphism lead to risk of bipolar


  1. All ppt diagnosed, with medical record about family history

  2. Have control group to compare

  3. Scientific measure

Reliability. This study is the replication of another study which also found no effect of 5-HTT + 5-HTR2c


  1. Study 2 genes => increase understanding

  2. Help make drugs, personalized drug matching ppt genome is effective. (Pharmacogenomics)

Small sample size. Only 3 males who has SS genotype of 5-HT2c

Too reductionist: didn’t look at epigenetic factor (whether a gene is expressed or silent), should look at interaction between gene and environmental risk factor

Psychological cause

Beck’s depression theory

Depression caused by negative thoughts + wrong core belief

Think negatively about themselves, the world, the future

Patient filter out info, only accepting negative info matching their belief and ignore positive info

Depressive attributional style for negative event cause depression (how bad patient see the world)

Blame themselves for random things (like blaming themselves when ask family to eat out and then it rains afterwards)

Proven as reducing pessimism in therapy reduce depression

Learned helplessness: Patient believe they are helpless in unpleasant situation, make no attempt to make their life better
(e.g: experiment with dogs in electric cage with or without roof)

Supported by evidence. Therapy reduce depressive attributional style can reduce depression.

Might not be a cause, but an effect. Findings in therapy are correlational, therapy can’t improve depression 100%

Free will: Some people with difficult lives can still be happy, CBT and meditation proved this.

Mini study: Seligman

39 unipolar and 12 patients bipolar disorder, (together with 10 healthy as a control group)

All completed short form of BDI and the Attributional Style Questionnaire (ASQ) before their cognitive therapy, after their cognitive therapy and a year after therapy finished.

The ASQ asks patients to make causal attributions for 12 hypothetical events (both good and bad). They then rate each cause on a 7-point scale for internality, stability and globality.

The results were that a pessimistic explanatory style (scoring highly for internal, stable and global) for negative (bad) events correlated significantly with severity of depression at all three time points,

Therapy reduce depression for unipolar, but not bipolar

Same procedure for all ppt, reliable

Assess symptoms before and after treatment and even 1 year follow up. Measure changes

Not effective control group: only do questionnaire, did not have therapy (cause no symptoms)


Biological treatments


Stop serotonin transporter (SERT) + noradrenaline transporter (NET) from being reabsorbed into presynaptic cell membranes

More SERT + NET around to bind with receptors

To increase serotonin and noradrenaline level

SSRIs (Selective serotonin reuptake killer)

SSRI stop reuptake of serotonin by binding with SERT and stop serotonin from being transported

Increase serotonin to bind with 5HT receptors on postsynaptic cell

MAOIs (monoamine oxidase killer)

Monoamine oxidase breaks down neurotransmitter

MAOIs stop the breakdown → increase serotonin level

  1. MAOI subtype A - breaks down serotonin + noradrenaline oxidase (better at treating depression)

  2. MAOI subtype B - breaks down dopamine oxidase. More dopamine, happy for longer

Only use MAOI is other drugs don’t work, cause have harmful side effects

MAOI built up tyramine → more risk of stroke

People on MAOI must avoid food rich in tyramine

Uses of antidepressant

Target different symptoms, personalized treatment

Small symptoms improvement
Side effect, SSRI (vomiting, constipation). Discourage patient to take med

The HDRS scale only requires 2 points improvement to be considered good (not enough)

Individual vs situational: Ignore situational factors (too reductionist). Instead, we should teach victims to remove toxic situations out of their life to avoid depression. (need to be more holistic)

Psychological treatments

3 basic musts

People place too high expectation on themselves, and often felt disappointed

  1. People must approve what I do

  2. I must get other people to treat me well

  3. I must get what I want and deny what I don’t want

Convince patient to see these as goals rather than a must have will reduce symptoms

Beck’s cognitive restructuring

Depression is caused by 3 negative beliefs

  1. Myself is bad

  2. The world is bad

  3. The future is bad

These belief affect how we interpret situations in the real

Cognitive restructuring: identifying and change negative thoughts

  • Psychoeducation: teacher victim about feelings + behaviour and how to control them

  • Write down thoughts + emotions to be discussed in next therapy

  • Socrative questioning: therapist ask patient question to guide them into thinking positively

Goal is steer people away from negative beliefs, make them more objective, not completely remove pessimism cause it’s impossible.

5-20 weekly session

Evaluate cognitive restructuring

Risk of relapse is lower with drug + therapy treatment

Cognitive theory breaks the link between negative thoughts and depression

Not work well with old adults

Johnco (2015), showed 60-86 age have poor cognitive flexibility + ability to restructure thoughts

Success of therapy depend on patient motivation to attend all sessions

Rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) (Cognitive ABC Model)

A- activating events

B- beliefs

C- consequences

Therefore, focus on interpretation of event rather than avoiding bad event

The model explains link between how we think, feel and act

Musturbation: when people allow “3 musts” to control thoughts, feelings and action. They believe they must do something


Technique in REBT to reduce musturbation

Therapist dispute (debate) with client on why their “musts” beliefs are not realistic. Until they stop believing

Goal is to accept the bad situations in life

Evaluating REBT


Iftene (2015), compared 3 groups of REBT, SSRI and REBT + sertaline drugs. All groups showed improvement. Therefore REBT is an alternative to drugs

Only works if ppt commit 100% to therapy

Lyons & Woods (1991), analyse 70 longitudinal studies. Attrition (ppt dropouts) affect generalisation

REBT is less effective to ppt who dropped out

Ethical issues: REBT suggest “musts” should be accepted and the world is not fair. But this disencourage people to solve injustice

Free will: Therapist believe we can change how we think. So even though depression is affected by genes, we can still solve it with right thinking.

Holistic: Holistic approach is multilayered treatments that recognize multifactor of depression. This reduce symptoms the most and reduce relapse.

Mood disorder

Diagnostic criteria

Emotions are temporary, moods are long term

Mood disorder → period of time with an emotion dominant their thoughts for at least 2 weeks

Depressive episode: low mood, suicidal thoughts, lack motivation, fatigue

Manic: euphoria and self confidence, super active, impulsive, reckless, behavior exaggerated, hallucination

Episode: a time period where a mood is in dominance

Polar: mood at the extreme end of a spectrum

ICD-11 judge by the duration and intensity of the moods

Depressive disorder (unipolar)

Mood ranges from normal to depressive episode

A person with at least 2 depressive episodes → recurrent depressive disorder

Bipolar disorder (manic + depressive episodes)

The 2 moods switches back and forth, once or twice a year

Bipolar (type 1)

Has depressive and manic state

Bipolar (type 2)

Has hypomanic instead of manic (less active, better than manic)

Type 2 are better in daily activity


Experiences depressive symptoms but never reach the threshold for diagnosis depressive episode


Less severe than bipolar, experience multiple hypomania + depressive episode over last 2 years, but symptoms are not as bad as bipolar

Measure of Depression: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)

How to collect data?

21 items , likert, (0-3)

Only use for 13+ years old

10 being cut off score, below that is normal, higher is mild depression

What does it measure?

Statements (self-dislike, pessimistic) and how they feel the past 2 weeks

5-10 mins to complete (short test)

Good test-retest reliability —> Use to assess the efficacy (effectiveness) of treatment given

Reliable across ethnic group

Correlated with other depression test (Hamilton Depression Scale)

Good at detect bipolar disorder (Type 1) + recurrent depressive disorder (cause most bipolar start with depression)

Not good at detect disorders like bipolar (type 2) and dysthymic

Self-report. Patient may lie

Lack qualitative data

Assumes depression is within the person

Need info about situation that sustain depression

Biological causes

Monoamine hypothesis

Lack of monoamines ( group of neurotransmitter, dopamine, noradrenaline, serotonin)

Noradrenaline: neurotransmitter in amygdala for emotion

Low noradrenaline level cause depression

(Drugs for high blood pressure lowers noradrenaline but caused depression)

Serotonin control mood and noradrenaline

Low serotonin = low noradrenaline = depression

High serotonin = high noradrenaline = manic episodes

What affects serotonin level?

Serotonin made by tryptophan (amino acid, found in meat), change in diet with tryptophan affect serotonin level

Affected by cortisol (stress hormone)

Lack nurture: a child that got adopted by depressed parent can develop depression as well, even tho no genes are shared

Culture differences: Chinese women genes (LHPP) associated with depression, while European is not


High concordance rate for female MZ twins (44%) compared to 16% of female DZ twins

Candidate genes: Female bipolar have more allele 1 of 5-HTT and allele S of 5-HT2c (only for heterozygotic)

Key study: Oruc ( 5-HTT , 5-HT2c genes in bipolar disorder)

Whether 5-HT2c & 5-HTT genes (associated with serotonin transmission) are more common in bipolar disorder

Correlation study

Analyze blood sample of bipolar (type 1) and healthy people, testing for polymorphism in 5-HTT and 5-HT2c (see if specific DNA have variant or not)

5-HT2c, code for serotonin receptor

5-HTT, code for serotonin transporter

42 Croatian ppt (bipolar type 1) + 40 control ppt (matched for sex and age). From 2 Croatia Psychiatric institution, opportunity sampling

All info collected from medical records

No significant difference in genes in bipolar and normal. However, female bipolar more likely to have gene polymorphism:

  1. Allele 1 of 5-HTT

  2. More allele S of 5-HTR2c. Only in heterozygotic females (who carry 2 genes from mother and father)

==> No genes are linked to bipolar, however, female serotonin polymorphism lead to risk of bipolar


  1. All ppt diagnosed, with medical record about family history

  2. Have control group to compare

  3. Scientific measure

Reliability. This study is the replication of another study which also found no effect of 5-HTT + 5-HTR2c


  1. Study 2 genes => increase understanding

  2. Help make drugs, personalized drug matching ppt genome is effective. (Pharmacogenomics)

Small sample size. Only 3 males who has SS genotype of 5-HT2c

Too reductionist: didn’t look at epigenetic factor (whether a gene is expressed or silent), should look at interaction between gene and environmental risk factor

Psychological cause

Beck’s depression theory

Depression caused by negative thoughts + wrong core belief

Think negatively about themselves, the world, the future

Patient filter out info, only accepting negative info matching their belief and ignore positive info

Depressive attributional style for negative event cause depression (how bad patient see the world)

Blame themselves for random things (like blaming themselves when ask family to eat out and then it rains afterwards)

Proven as reducing pessimism in therapy reduce depression

Learned helplessness: Patient believe they are helpless in unpleasant situation, make no attempt to make their life better
(e.g: experiment with dogs in electric cage with or without roof)

Supported by evidence. Therapy reduce depressive attributional style can reduce depression.

Might not be a cause, but an effect. Findings in therapy are correlational, therapy can’t improve depression 100%

Free will: Some people with difficult lives can still be happy, CBT and meditation proved this.

Mini study: Seligman

39 unipolar and 12 patients bipolar disorder, (together with 10 healthy as a control group)

All completed short form of BDI and the Attributional Style Questionnaire (ASQ) before their cognitive therapy, after their cognitive therapy and a year after therapy finished.

The ASQ asks patients to make causal attributions for 12 hypothetical events (both good and bad). They then rate each cause on a 7-point scale for internality, stability and globality.

The results were that a pessimistic explanatory style (scoring highly for internal, stable and global) for negative (bad) events correlated significantly with severity of depression at all three time points,

Therapy reduce depression for unipolar, but not bipolar

Same procedure for all ppt, reliable

Assess symptoms before and after treatment and even 1 year follow up. Measure changes

Not effective control group: only do questionnaire, did not have therapy (cause no symptoms)


Biological treatments


Stop serotonin transporter (SERT) + noradrenaline transporter (NET) from being reabsorbed into presynaptic cell membranes

More SERT + NET around to bind with receptors

To increase serotonin and noradrenaline level

SSRIs (Selective serotonin reuptake killer)

SSRI stop reuptake of serotonin by binding with SERT and stop serotonin from being transported

Increase serotonin to bind with 5HT receptors on postsynaptic cell

MAOIs (monoamine oxidase killer)

Monoamine oxidase breaks down neurotransmitter

MAOIs stop the breakdown → increase serotonin level

  1. MAOI subtype A - breaks down serotonin + noradrenaline oxidase (better at treating depression)

  2. MAOI subtype B - breaks down dopamine oxidase. More dopamine, happy for longer

Only use MAOI is other drugs don’t work, cause have harmful side effects

MAOI built up tyramine → more risk of stroke

People on MAOI must avoid food rich in tyramine

Uses of antidepressant

Target different symptoms, personalized treatment

Small symptoms improvement
Side effect, SSRI (vomiting, constipation). Discourage patient to take med

The HDRS scale only requires 2 points improvement to be considered good (not enough)

Individual vs situational: Ignore situational factors (too reductionist). Instead, we should teach victims to remove toxic situations out of their life to avoid depression. (need to be more holistic)

Psychological treatments

3 basic musts

People place too high expectation on themselves, and often felt disappointed

  1. People must approve what I do

  2. I must get other people to treat me well

  3. I must get what I want and deny what I don’t want

Convince patient to see these as goals rather than a must have will reduce symptoms

Beck’s cognitive restructuring

Depression is caused by 3 negative beliefs

  1. Myself is bad

  2. The world is bad

  3. The future is bad

These belief affect how we interpret situations in the real

Cognitive restructuring: identifying and change negative thoughts

  • Psychoeducation: teacher victim about feelings + behaviour and how to control them

  • Write down thoughts + emotions to be discussed in next therapy

  • Socrative questioning: therapist ask patient question to guide them into thinking positively

Goal is steer people away from negative beliefs, make them more objective, not completely remove pessimism cause it’s impossible.

5-20 weekly session

Evaluate cognitive restructuring

Risk of relapse is lower with drug + therapy treatment

Cognitive theory breaks the link between negative thoughts and depression

Not work well with old adults

Johnco (2015), showed 60-86 age have poor cognitive flexibility + ability to restructure thoughts

Success of therapy depend on patient motivation to attend all sessions

Rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) (Cognitive ABC Model)

A- activating events

B- beliefs

C- consequences

Therefore, focus on interpretation of event rather than avoiding bad event

The model explains link between how we think, feel and act

Musturbation: when people allow “3 musts” to control thoughts, feelings and action. They believe they must do something


Technique in REBT to reduce musturbation

Therapist dispute (debate) with client on why their “musts” beliefs are not realistic. Until they stop believing

Goal is to accept the bad situations in life

Evaluating REBT


Iftene (2015), compared 3 groups of REBT, SSRI and REBT + sertaline drugs. All groups showed improvement. Therefore REBT is an alternative to drugs

Only works if ppt commit 100% to therapy

Lyons & Woods (1991), analyse 70 longitudinal studies. Attrition (ppt dropouts) affect generalisation

REBT is less effective to ppt who dropped out

Ethical issues: REBT suggest “musts” should be accepted and the world is not fair. But this disencourage people to solve injustice

Free will: Therapist believe we can change how we think. So even though depression is affected by genes, we can still solve it with right thinking.

Holistic: Holistic approach is multilayered treatments that recognize multifactor of depression. This reduce symptoms the most and reduce relapse.