Exam Date: December 11 (Wednesday)
Open Time: 12:01 am
Close Time: 11:59 pm
Duration: 110 minutes once started
Structure: Approx. 62 questions (includes 3 bonus questions)
Exam Type: Cumulative and closed-note
Concept of Senses and Referents:
How many senses and referents does "team W captain" have?
Options include:
0 senses and 0 referents
1 sense and 0 referents
1 sense and multiple referents
Multiple senses and 1 referent
Fill in the Blanks Exercise:
Structure: beverage is a ___ of coffee; coffee is a ___ of beverage; tea is a ___ of coffee
Options: hypernym, hyponym, synonym or sister term
Complimentary Antonyms:
"Occupied" and "vacant"
Converse Antonyms:
"Lend" and "borrow"
Example Sentences: A) The family vacationed in Sydney B) The family vacationed in Australia
Types of entailments include:
A entails B
B entails A
They are paraphrases
No entailment
Children positing the word "drang" as past tense form of "dringing" discusses:
Evidence against the following theories:
Innateness hypothesis
Imitation theory
Active construction of grammar theory
Social interaction theory
An example where a child says "daddy eat cookie" illustrates:
Instances of holophrases, telegraphic speech, and the two-word stage.
Question on Order of Acquisition:
Correct progression:
Babbling > Holophrases > Two-word stage > Telegraphic speech > Over-generalizations
Determines the contrastive nature along parameters including handshape, movement, location, and palm orientation.
Identifies behaviors of a person with Broca's aphasia:
Likely to exhibit many lexical errors and lack of function words and morphemes, despite having good comprehension.
Complementary Distribution:
True/False: Two sounds are in complementary distribution if they occur in the same environment.
Sound Differentiation:
Example identifying differences between [b] and [m].
Distinguishing by features as per Hockett's design features:
Examples include interchangeability, semanticity, and cultural transmission.
Compounding and blending demonstrated with signs, such as COFFIN being a combination of DEAD and BOX.
Factors such as gender, ethnicity, and age correlate with language use.
Descriptive rules of English grammar clarify standard forms vs. non-standard forms like those found in Received Pronunciation.
Data set exercise involving determining the correct use of articles "a" and "an" depending on the following sound and phonetic environments.
Understanding interpersonal constructs in linguistic applications, including arguments vs. adjuncts, verb types, and the principle of compositionality regarding meaning in sentences.