Narrative Frame (1-2)
First Discussion Cycle (3-14)
Second Discussion Cycle (15-21)
Third Discussion Cycle (22-27)
Poetic Musing on Human Inaccessibility of Wisdom (28)
Job’s Final Protest (29-31)
Elihu Attempts to Correct Job and his Friends (32-37)
God Speaks (38-41)
Job’s response and Restoration (42)
The Lord questions Job’s understanding of creation and how it functions
39 focuses on the wisdom of God’s design of each animal (39:13-30)
The Lord addresses Job and incites his challenge (40:1-2)
Job recognizes his folly in contending with God (40:3-5)
The purpose of the glory of God is to humble the proud
If Job can do that, he can save himself
God has made many creatures like behemoth and leviathan. While they are too powerful for man, God can approach behemoth.
God rebukes Eliphaz and the other two friends
They have spoken wrongly about God
They are all guilty of rigid and simplistic spirituality
This means that they should go to Job as their priest and intercessor
God prospers Job again
Suffering is not always the result of sin
The righteous do not always prosper
The wicked are not always swiftly punished