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Outline of Job

Outline of Job

  • Narrative Frame (1-2)

  • First Discussion Cycle (3-14)

  • Second Discussion Cycle (15-21)

  • Third Discussion Cycle (22-27)

  • Poetic Musing on Human Inaccessibility of Wisdom (28)

  • Job’s Final Protest (29-31)

  • Elihu Attempts to Correct Job and his Friends (32-37)

  • God Speaks (38-41)

  • Job’s response and Restoration (42)

The Lord Speaks (38-41)

  • The Lord questions Job’s understanding of creation and how it functions

  • 39 focuses on the wisdom of God’s design of each animal (39:13-30)

  • The Lord addresses Job and incites his challenge (40:1-2)

  • Job recognizes his folly in contending with God (40:3-5)

  • The purpose of the glory of God is to humble the proud

    • If Job can do that, he can save himself

  • God has made many creatures like behemoth and leviathan. While they are too powerful for man, God can approach behemoth.

Epilogue (42:7-16)

  • God rebukes Eliphaz and the other two friends

    • They have spoken wrongly about God

    • They are all guilty of rigid and simplistic spirituality

    • This means that they should go to Job as their priest and intercessor

  • God prospers Job again

  • Suffering is not always the result of sin

  • The righteous do not always prosper

  • The wicked are not always swiftly punished


Outline of Job

Outline of Job

  • Narrative Frame (1-2)

  • First Discussion Cycle (3-14)

  • Second Discussion Cycle (15-21)

  • Third Discussion Cycle (22-27)

  • Poetic Musing on Human Inaccessibility of Wisdom (28)

  • Job’s Final Protest (29-31)

  • Elihu Attempts to Correct Job and his Friends (32-37)

  • God Speaks (38-41)

  • Job’s response and Restoration (42)

The Lord Speaks (38-41)

  • The Lord questions Job’s understanding of creation and how it functions

  • 39 focuses on the wisdom of God’s design of each animal (39:13-30)

  • The Lord addresses Job and incites his challenge (40:1-2)

  • Job recognizes his folly in contending with God (40:3-5)

  • The purpose of the glory of God is to humble the proud

    • If Job can do that, he can save himself

  • God has made many creatures like behemoth and leviathan. While they are too powerful for man, God can approach behemoth.

Epilogue (42:7-16)

  • God rebukes Eliphaz and the other two friends

    • They have spoken wrongly about God

    • They are all guilty of rigid and simplistic spirituality

    • This means that they should go to Job as their priest and intercessor

  • God prospers Job again

  • Suffering is not always the result of sin

  • The righteous do not always prosper

  • The wicked are not always swiftly punished