Dative of Reference
Show whose advantage or disadvantage the action of the verb is performed
Perīculum maris nautae verum est.
The danger of the sea is real (with reference) to the sailor.
Dative of Purpose
Used to express reason why something is done, usually in a double dative
For a support
Double Dative
When a dative of purpose and a dative is used together
Duās legiōnēs praesidiō oppidō relīquit.
He left two legions for (the purpose of) a guard to the town.
Deponent Verbs
Deponents have the same participles as normal verbs, but the Perfect Participle is active in translation
Deponents also have regularly formed infinitives, but once again go in only the perfect tense
Ablative of Cause - translated with from/out of
Ablative of Means - translated by by/with
Ablative of Agent - translated as by and with a passive or ab