Education Requirements

Licensure - The granting of a license by a state board, usually to allow work in a profession, to protect the public

Certification - The process by which a professional organization grants recognition to an individual who has met certain predetermined qualifications

Registration - The process of becoming enrolled on a list created by the state board of pharmacy in order to practice


  • Take the Pharmacy College Admission Test

  • Attend an accredited pharmacy school

  • Pass the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX) and state-specific law examination to obtain licensure in a state

  • Register with a state board of pharmacy to practice

  • License is renewed annually with completion of continuing education requirements

Pharmacy Technician

  • Complete an ASHP/ACPE (American Society of Health-System Pharmacists/American Council on Pharmaceutical Education) accredited Pharmacy technician Program

  • Pass a national certification exam to become a Certified Pharmacy technician (CPhT)

    • ExCPT: Exam for the Certification of Pharmacy Technicians

    • PTCE: Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam

  • Obtain a Pharmacy Registration with the Board of Pharmacy

  • Annually renew registration and meet continuing education requirements
