Lead up to WWI
WWI outcomes
Underlying vs Immediate causes (MANIA)
MANI = underlying
Militarism - increased military focus/spending - primarily represented by Germany who saw the greatest increase in military spending
Alliances - complicated IR’s that led to a chain reaction of involvement. Main 2: Triple Entente (Allies) - France, UK, Russia, Triple Alliance (Central Powers) - Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy
Nationalism - strong collective identities and action on behalf of nations
Led to idea of supremacy over other nations → blind to faults
Heightened in Balkans after Bosnia was annexed by Austria-Hungary → Serbia upset
Imperialism - expansion of territory through colonies to gain power, resources, influence, etc.
Fashoda Incident: Conflict between France and Britain for Fashoda in Africa where both believed they were entitled to the land.
Scramble for Africa - territory in Europe was already claimed had to go to Africa for more space
A = immediate
Assassination - Serbian nationalists who wanted the separation of Bosnia (?) from Austria-Hungary assassinated Archduke Ferdinand of Austria (next in line for the throne)
Catalyst for setting off WWI
Triggered the July Crisis (period of time where multiple countries were declaring war on each other because of alliances: Austria-Hungary on Serbia → Germany pulled in because of Austria-Hungary → etc
Variations on nationalism
Extreme form of nationalism with extreme patriotism/bias towards nation
Use of propaganda
Extreme form of nationalism (chauvinism) that utilizes military force
Forcefully using military to support national ideals
Eg. Germany
Total War
Type of war that utilizes civilian resources/infrastructure b/c war is the priority
Unrestricted weaponry/combatants/objectives/etc - rules of war not followed
Industrial warfare, sieging, raids, collective punishment
Schlieffen Plan
Proposed 1905, enacted 1914
Tactic that Germany developed to successfully fight a war with both Russia and France
Assumed that Russia (attacking from East) would be slow to mobilize troops b/c of size of country - at least 6 weeks to have army ready)
During this time would attack France by going through Belgium
Belgians fought against German troops entering
Germany entering went against Treaty of London → UK involvement
Russian troops mobilized very fast (10 days vs 6 weeks)
Took troops away from Western front → weakened on both fronts
Failure of Schlieffen Plan led to trench warfare on Western front
Types of Warfare
trench Warfare
War of inches
Both sides dig in trenches to attack each other
War of Attrition
Changes in Allegiance
1915 - Italy meets with Triple Entente (Treaty of London)
Allies propose Italy getting territory from Austria-Hungary/Ottoman Empire if swap sides (TA → TE)
Goal to divert Central Powers forces from battlefield
May 1915 - Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary (leaving the Triple Alliance)
Waits another year to declare war on Germany
1917 - Russian Revolution
Russian citizens very upset → overthrow Tsar in favour of Lenin’s Bolshevik Party (Socialism/communism)
Many economic problems b/c of war - people wanted out
Russia signed treaty with Central Powers in March 1918 (Brest-Litovsk Treaty)
No longer part of TE or TA - focused on internal revolution
Advances in Technology
First introduced 1916 by Allies at Battle of Somme
Initially very dangerous
Machine Guns
Tactical Air Support
Chlorine gas - chemical warfare (later banned by Geneva Convention)
Used for psychological warfare
US Involvement
Initially neutral but once Zimmerman Telegram was intercepted engaged in war
ZT - Germany trying to convince Mexico to join the war and offered US’s territory if they won
Canada Involvement
Already involved b/c of UK’s involvement - dominions of UK
Entered with low public service/support - citizens asked to support war effort (victory bonds, enlisting)
Created income tax in order to support the war effort
Increase in propaganda + censorship
War Measures Act (Intro August 1914) - gave extreme power to government
Allowed gov. to intern Ukrainian-Canadians
Mandatory conscription (1917)
Saw conscientious objectors
Saw shift in Canadian nationalism from beginning to end of war
UK focused → Canada as independent nation
Reputation of hardworking/successful soldiers
Battle of Ypres - first major involvement/debut of gas attacks
Battle of Somme/Courcelette
Battle for Vimy Ridge
2nd Battle of Passchendaele - significant war of attrition
100 Days Offensive/Last 100 Days
Major Allied push to get Germany out of France - intending to end WWI
Led to armistice that went into effect Nov. 11, 11 AM 1918 (Remembrance Day)
Officially ended war but peace treaty wasn’t finalized till 1919
Treaty of Versailles (May 1919)
Negotiations on repercussions various nations would have to face + how to prevent future total war
Saw negotiations primarily with UK, US, and France (+Italy but not really)
France wanted extreme reparations on Germany (France lost most/suffered most destruction)
US’s Woodrow Wilson wanted less extreme reparations b/c their economy was tied to Germany + suffered the least
Proposed 14 points - very idealist. Influenced the armistice that ended the war
(Don’t need to memorize) Called for open diplomacy w/o secret treaties, ensured free, equal trade, fewer arms, adjusted colonial claims, allow for Russia to define own borders without influence from Central Powers, restoration of Belgium/return of territory to France, adjust European borders, separation of Austria/Hungary into Austria and Hungary, creation of Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Poland, Turkey, create League of Nations
UK wanted reparations but less harsh than France
Defeated countries (Central Powers) + Russia were not included in negotiations
Outcome of the Treaty of Versailles (GARGLE)
Guilt - Germany accepts full blame for war
Army - German army reduced to 100k, demilitarization of the Rhineland (major manufacturing + industrial area in Germany), no war materials/armaments
Reparations - £6,600 million
German territory - Had to return Alsace-Lorraine to France, colonies split among Allied forces
League of Nations - created to try and keep peace in Europe
Extra - forbade union of Germany with Estonia and political union of Austria and Germany
Germany very upset with GARGLE but couldn’t do anything about it - already weakened and Allies threatened to invade if not signed
Dominions of UK given ability to sign independently (increased Canadian nationalism - seen as independent nation from UK)
Ratified immediately by France, Italy upset b/c didn't get what they were promised in Treaty of London but signed, not signed or ratified by US → “officially” ended war with Central Powers in 1921 independently of the League of Nations
League of Nations
International organization with goal of international peace
Not joined by US, left by USSR → made not that influential b/c 2 world powers weren’t part of it
Couldn’t enforce mandates - depended on member states to do so
Collective security for all members/small states impacted by war (peaceful disputes)
Respected sovereignty of members/independent states (not enforced)
Disarmament of members/protection of smaller nations from invasions (also failed here)
Impacts of the War
Increased national debts everywhere but US
Smaller working class b/c many lost in the war
New nations struggled - economically/politically unviable (didn’t know how to govern themselves without larger nation helping them)
Saw rise in extremism and internal divides
Germany saw hyperinflation as result of reparations
League of Nations sent in Charles Dawe to fix the issue (huge hit to Germany pride/nationalism b/c they couldn’t fix their own problems)
Idealism vs Realism
Idealism: Reflection of a country’s internal values in their foreign policy
Active participation in global affairs
Long term: more peaceful world → believe in democracies shouldn’t fight each other
Advantages: Promote values, freer societies, deterrence of bad behavior
Disadvantages: Limits on influence, distraction from vital interests, slow and expensive
Realism: A country focusing on their foreign policy more than their domestic policy
Prioritize interests in relationships with foreign countries
Focus on strong alliances and strong countries
Advantages: Promotes security/prosperity, builds influences, limits expensive interventions
Disadvantages: Deprioritizes values, empowers bad actors