Unit 3 Summary

Main Concepts

  1. Lead up to WWI

  2. WWI

  3. WWI outcomes

Lead up to WWI

  • Underlying vs Immediate causes (MANIA)

    • MANI = underlying

      • Militarism - increased military focus/spending - primarily represented by Germany who saw the greatest increase in military spending

      • Alliances - complicated IR’s that led to a chain reaction of involvement. Main 2: Triple Entente (Allies) - France, UK, Russia, Triple Alliance (Central Powers) - Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

      • Nationalism - strong collective identities and action on behalf of nations

        • Led to idea of supremacy over other nations → blind to faults

        • Heightened in Balkans after Bosnia was annexed by Austria-Hungary → Serbia upset

      • Imperialism - expansion of territory through colonies to gain power, resources, influence, etc.

        • Fashoda Incident: Conflict between France and Britain for Fashoda in Africa where both believed they were entitled to the land.

        • Scramble for Africa - territory in Europe was already claimed had to go to Africa for more space

    • A = immediate

      • Assassination - Serbian nationalists who wanted the separation of Bosnia (?) from Austria-Hungary assassinated Archduke Ferdinand of Austria (next in line for the throne)

      • Catalyst for setting off WWI

        • Triggered the July Crisis (period of time where multiple countries were declaring war on each other because of alliances: Austria-Hungary on Serbia → Germany pulled in because of Austria-Hungary → etc


  • Variations on nationalism

    • Chauvinism

      • Extreme form of nationalism with extreme patriotism/bias towards nation

        • Use of propaganda

    • Jingoism

      • Extreme form of nationalism (chauvinism) that utilizes military force

        • Forcefully using military to support national ideals

      • Eg. Germany

  • Total War

    • Type of war that utilizes civilian resources/infrastructure b/c war is the priority

    • Unrestricted weaponry/combatants/objectives/etc - rules of war not followed

      • Industrial warfare, sieging, raids, collective punishment

  • Schlieffen Plan

    • Proposed 1905, enacted 1914

    • Tactic that Germany developed to successfully fight a war with both Russia and France

      • Assumed that Russia (attacking from East) would be slow to mobilize troops b/c of size of country - at least 6 weeks to have army ready)

        • During this time would attack France by going through Belgium

      • Problems:

        • Belgians fought against German troops entering

          • Germany entering went against Treaty of London → UK involvement

        • Russian troops mobilized very fast (10 days vs 6 weeks)

          • Took troops away from Western front → weakened on both fronts

    • Failure of Schlieffen Plan led to trench warfare on Western front

  • Types of Warfare

    • trench Warfare

      • War of inches

      • Both sides dig in trenches to attack each other

    • War of Attrition

  • Changes in Allegiance

    • 1915 - Italy meets with Triple Entente (Treaty of London)

      • Allies propose Italy getting territory from Austria-Hungary/Ottoman Empire if swap sides (TA → TE)

        • Goal to divert Central Powers forces from battlefield

      • May 1915 - Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary (leaving the Triple Alliance)

        • Waits another year to declare war on Germany

    • 1917 - Russian Revolution

      • Russian citizens very upset → overthrow Tsar in favour of Lenin’s Bolshevik Party (Socialism/communism)

        • Many economic problems b/c of war - people wanted out

      • Russia signed treaty with Central Powers in March 1918 (Brest-Litovsk Treaty)

      • No longer part of TE or TA - focused on internal revolution

  • Advances in Technology

    • Tanks

      • First introduced 1916 by Allies at Battle of Somme

        • Initially very dangerous

    • Machine Guns

    • Tactical Air Support

    • Gas

      • Chlorine gas - chemical warfare (later banned by Geneva Convention)

      • Used for psychological warfare

  • US Involvement

    • Initially neutral but once Zimmerman Telegram was intercepted engaged in war

      • ZT - Germany trying to convince Mexico to join the war and offered US’s territory if they won

  • Canada Involvement

    • Already involved b/c of UK’s involvement - dominions of UK

    • Entered with low public service/support - citizens asked to support war effort (victory bonds, enlisting)

      • Created income tax in order to support the war effort

    • Increase in propaganda + censorship

    • War Measures Act (Intro August 1914) - gave extreme power to government

      • Allowed gov. to intern Ukrainian-Canadians

      • Mandatory conscription (1917)

        • Saw conscientious objectors

    • Saw shift in Canadian nationalism from beginning to end of war

      • UK focused → Canada as independent nation

    • Reputation of hardworking/successful soldiers

      • Battle of Ypres - first major involvement/debut of gas attacks

      • Battle of Somme/Courcelette

      • Battle for Vimy Ridge

      • 2nd Battle of Passchendaele - significant war of attrition

Ending WWI

  • 100 Days Offensive/Last 100 Days

    • Major Allied push to get Germany out of France - intending to end WWI

    • Led to armistice that went into effect Nov. 11, 11 AM 1918 (Remembrance Day)

      • Officially ended war but peace treaty wasn’t finalized till 1919

  • Treaty of Versailles (May 1919)

    • Negotiations on repercussions various nations would have to face + how to prevent future total war

    • Saw negotiations primarily with UK, US, and France (+Italy but not really)

      • France wanted extreme reparations on Germany (France lost most/suffered most destruction)

      • US’s Woodrow Wilson wanted less extreme reparations b/c their economy was tied to Germany + suffered the least

        • Proposed 14 points - very idealist. Influenced the armistice that ended the war

          • (Don’t need to memorize) Called for open diplomacy w/o secret treaties, ensured free, equal trade, fewer arms, adjusted colonial claims, allow for Russia to define own borders without influence from Central Powers, restoration of Belgium/return of territory to France, adjust European borders, separation of Austria/Hungary into Austria and Hungary, creation of Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Poland, Turkey, create League of Nations

      • UK wanted reparations but less harsh than France

      • Defeated countries (Central Powers) + Russia were not included in negotiations

    • Outcome of the Treaty of Versailles (GARGLE)

      • Guilt - Germany accepts full blame for war

      • Army - German army reduced to 100k, demilitarization of the Rhineland (major manufacturing + industrial area in Germany), no war materials/armaments

      • Reparations - £6,600 million

      • German territory - Had to return Alsace-Lorraine to France, colonies split among Allied forces

      • League of Nations - created to try and keep peace in Europe

      • Extra - forbade union of Germany with Estonia and political union of Austria and Germany

    • Germany very upset with GARGLE but couldn’t do anything about it - already weakened and Allies threatened to invade if not signed

    • Dominions of UK given ability to sign independently (increased Canadian nationalism - seen as independent nation from UK)

    • Ratified immediately by France, Italy upset b/c didn't get what they were promised in Treaty of London but signed, not signed or ratified by US → “officially” ended war with Central Powers in 1921 independently of the League of Nations

  • League of Nations

    • International organization with goal of international peace

      • Not joined by US, left by USSR → made not that influential b/c 2 world powers weren’t part of it

    • Couldn’t enforce mandates - depended on member states to do so

    • Collective security for all members/small states impacted by war (peaceful disputes)

    • Respected sovereignty of members/independent states (not enforced)

    • Disarmament of members/protection of smaller nations from invasions (also failed here)

  • Impacts of the War

    • Increased national debts everywhere but US

      • Smaller working class b/c many lost in the war

    • New nations struggled - economically/politically unviable (didn’t know how to govern themselves without larger nation helping them)

      • Saw rise in extremism and internal divides

    • Germany saw hyperinflation as result of reparations

      • League of Nations sent in Charles Dawe to fix the issue (huge hit to Germany pride/nationalism b/c they couldn’t fix their own problems)

  • Idealism vs Realism

    • Idealism: Reflection of a country’s internal values in their foreign policy

      • Active participation in global affairs

      • Long term: more peaceful world → believe in democracies shouldn’t fight each other

      • Advantages: Promote values, freer societies, deterrence of bad behavior

      • Disadvantages: Limits on influence, distraction from vital interests, slow and expensive

    • Realism: A country focusing on their foreign policy more than their domestic policy

      • Prioritize interests in relationships with foreign countries

      • Focus on strong alliances and strong countries

      • Advantages: Promotes security/prosperity, builds influences, limits expensive interventions

      • Disadvantages: Deprioritizes values, empowers bad actors
