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bourgeoisie — middle class in society

→ developed the market outside the territories of the landlords & church

  • group of artisans & traders

→ promoted natural rights of humans

  • a person possesses the right to live in freedom & dignity

mercantilism — belief that the wealth of a nation could only be achieved through government controls & regulations of trade / commerce / economic activities

bullionism — exchange of precious metals

adam smith — coined the term “mercantile system“

jean-baptiste colbert — french finance minister who favoured the mercantile system

  • dominated western europe



bourgeoisie — middle class in society

→ developed the market outside the territories of the landlords & church

  • group of artisans & traders

→ promoted natural rights of humans

  • a person possesses the right to live in freedom & dignity

mercantilism — belief that the wealth of a nation could only be achieved through government controls & regulations of trade / commerce / economic activities

bullionism — exchange of precious metals

adam smith — coined the term “mercantile system“

jean-baptiste colbert — french finance minister who favoured the mercantile system

  • dominated western europe