Shift from general architecture of law to the application of legal rules.
Hardware vs. Software:
Hardware: Courts, Parliament, Executive, Legislature, Constitution.
Software: Legal rules, reasoning, application of rules in practice.
Focus on how judicial processes work, which rules guide reasoning and decisions.
Importance of legal rules in upholding the rule of law.
Preparation for case notes relies on understanding legal method and theory.
Importance of critique in understanding legal methods and advancing legal principles.
Support and practice are crucial for success in assessments.
Automatic extension policy allows three extra days without loss of marks.
Recommended resources include:
Tracy Booth’s email for additional information on extensions and support.
Don’t overthink the process; focus on practice to understand how to apply legal rules.
Suggested approach:
Start with easy guides to understand formatting and referencing.
Cross-reference findings with law journal articles for clarity on citations.
Jurisprudence defined as governance of governance (Mariana Valverde).
Original Jurisdiction vs. Appellate Jurisdiction:
Original: First hearing of a case.
Appellate: Review of cases from original jurisdiction.
Geographical jurisdiction may vary (e.g., federal vs. state).
Lowest Courts: Magistrates’ Courts handle everyday offenses, resolutions for conflicts.
Intermediate Courts: District or County Courts deal with more serious offenses.
Highest Courts: Supreme Courts and Supreme Court of Appeal.
Federal Courts: Address national matters (e.g., immigration, constitutional conflicts).
Federal laws applied at a higher level than state laws.
Stare decisis: Decisions of higher courts bind lower courts ensuring consistency and predictability within the law.
Fairness and consistency in judicial decisions.
Reduces litigation due to predictability in outcomes.
Adaptability of law to contemporary circumstances.
Outdated precedents can become unjust over time, making it challenging to change.
Judges may distinguish current cases from past cases to avoid binding precedents.
Risk of inconsistencies in interpretation by different judges.
Ratio Decidendi: The binding legal reason for a court's decision; governs future cases.
Obiter Dicta: Comments made in a judgment not essential to the decision, may be persuasive but do not carry binding weight.
Material facts should be concise and relevant to the legal issue.
The legal issue must be clearly identified along with the ratio.
Understanding the context of legal principles through case analysis is essential:
Use examples to illustrate the application of specific legal rules.
Focus on articulating the ratio clearly to reflect the overarching legal principles involved.
Question of entitlement to the engagement ring upon breaking off the marriage:
If a party breaching a marriage agreement cannot demand the return of gifts given conditionally (i.e., the engagement ring).
Evaluating context (who broke off engagement) is critical in determining legal rights over conditional gifts.