Theory of instinct
Charles Darwin
Innate behaviour
Survival and reproduction
Individual differences
Cultural differences
Not a reflex-instincts (spider spinning webs, birds flying south in v formation)
Maternal instinct-rush of hormones to induce care for a child
Mating instincts-mirrors/appearance, sex was not taught “get horny and figure it out” Theory of Drive
Motivated to stay balance
Decreasing tensions
Theory of arousal (Hebb)
Decrease when stressed
Increase when bored
Bell curve peak performance (shifts for individuals)
Extroverts are understimulated
Introverts are more susceptible to being overstimulated-migraines?
Does not explain emotions
Too biological
Social skills
Hunger motivation
Food clip art, pop can, smell, ads
Time of day, lunch
Fridge, candy bowl
Overeating causes
Availability (plate size, serve yourself, family style eat more), diversity (different types=eat more), sizes
Short-term Appetite
Glucostatic hypothesis
Drop in blood sugar cues
Not eat=high sugar foods cravings
Stomach distension
Stretch sensors
Long-term Energy Balance
Ghrelin the gremlin (released by adipose tissues)
Appetite stimulator
Emotional eating (crying releases ghrelin)
Dieting raises baseline ghrelin levels
Leptin (from stomach lining)
Antagonistic to ghrelin
Appetite suppressor
Set-point theory (can never get rid of fat cells, body will attempt to return to the highest body weight it has been)
Biologically determined
Size of fat cells
Rises with age
Rises with each (re)gain
Sexual motivation
Pyhsiological and psychological
Testosterone (10x more in men)
Physiological and psychological arousal are linked in men
Hard to talk about sex without getting aroused
Oxytocin (10x more in women)
Not inherently connected to a physiological response
Sexual response cycle (cis men)
Desire (stage 1)
Look and see someone who looks attractive
Arousal (stage 2)
“petting and touching”
Blood flow to crotch
Orgasm (stage 3)
“the big moment”
Resolution (stage 4)
Can get tired after
Refractory period in the neuron
Sexual response cycle (women)
Desire is same
Arousal is same
No orgasm
May not be experienced even in healthy and happy relationships
One orgasm
Multiple orgasms
Spike in oxytocin can create a desire to cuddle
Sexual selection
Need to spread genetics
Fertility-focus on fertility of partner (wider hips, body fat, child-bearing age, healthy skin, symmetry, “boobies”, blonde may indicate fertility in some cultures)
Paternity (less likely want to adopt, make sure their genetics survive)
Access to mates (more interested in higher number of potential partners, may need to fight for mates-money/peacocking, height, athletic ability, dominance
Need to invest in limited offspring (only can get pregnant so much)
Intersexual competitions-(less common to fight other women for access to mate), pickier about sexual partners “that don’t impress me much-Shania Twain”
Genetic desirability-Physiological or psychological atypicalities-more judgemental,
Resources-interested in providers, help build the nest
Sexual orientation
Kinsey scale
Finger lengths
Hair swirls
Brain development
Straight men and lesbians have similar type brains???
Straight women and gay men have similar type brains???
Understand 5 categories of spectrums
Ryan & Deci
Do it on your own
Freedom over self (toddlerhood and grows through lifespan)
No autonomy=no motivation
Feel like they can do things themselves
Positive reinforcement
Make feel connected to others or something larger than themselves
Looking for attention means looking for a connection
Hiking can make you feel connected to nature-have a choice in going for a hike and ability to survive hike
Don’t demean someone when they do something you want
May grow into secondary need
Power motivation (autonomy)
Good/evil (leaders, Martin Luther King, not for profit)
Competitive-win/be recognized
Civic engagement
Power saturation (autonomy)
only focus on power on not success—-Kanye West, Sauron (LOTR), Hitler, Stalin
Low success (if one person high in power saturation the group does not do as well)
Relationships (divorce, don’t llisten to the other person)
Poor coping strategies
Health risks
Higher rates of alcoholism
Intimacy motivation
Thinking about relationships
Pleasant emoptions
Smile, laugh, eye contact
Body language
Listening skills
Be vulnerable so the other can be vulnerable
Well-adjusted (high intimacy motivation)
Better coping techniques
Longer sustaining relationships
Less likely to abuse substances
Achievement motivation
Standards of excellence
Task competition
Just get the degree, just finish it, doesn’t matter how well
Self competition
To some degree it is okay, improve cake decorating over time, get personal best, be better version of yourself
Can go wrong if it’s unrealistic for yourself
Competition with others
Not content with high gpa, win scholarship that compares you with others
Can be okay if it is realistic for you
Moderate challenge
Find it very engaging
Succeed with reasonable amount of effort
Different from praise, more informational
Personal responsibility
Detest group work
Plagiarized from indigenous communities
Base level=security, safety, physiological
Medium level=self-esteem/belonging
Top level=self actualisation
Everything makes sense and feel like you’re on the right path
Feel satisfied with your path
Can be a goal (graduation, married)
Can be in nature
Can be spiritual
Only 2% make it to self-actualisation
Theory of emotion
Arousal—physiological reaction—emotion
Physiology causes emotion
No appraisal
Interpretation of arousal will cause the physiological and therefore emotion
Schachter-singer most likely=both at the same time
Arousal—appraisal (fore brain)—emotion
Arousal—physiological (lymbic system)—emotion
Primary emotions (joy, sadness, anger, fear, contempt, disgust, surprise)
Very good at analyzing facial expressions and micro expressions
Facial expression
Culturally universal
Individuals blind from birth exhibit the same facial expressions
Broaden attention
Physical broadening of chest
Thoughts, behaviours
More interested in relationships
Genuine smile
Submissive smile
Walk into crowded elevator
Hardwired for good?
Primary emotions may not feel great but still necessary
Socialization affects displays of certain emotions
Cultural differences in emotions or expression
Boys don’t cry
Grief-Britain (don’t show emotions), Italy (screaming widow through the streets)
Pride/happiness-Asia (Don’t gloat), America (boasting)
Women cannot be angry, men can’t show love
Strongest emotion-impacts brain imaging the most
Loss, failure
Physiological changes
Slow, eyebrows up in the middle, slowness in chest and arms, shoulders curl, muscles feel numb and slow, lose energy when sad, cry, time to contemplate and grieve loss-cognitively restructure and process the loss, crying brings others to comfort you-signal for help
Anger over being afraid over being sad (safer than fear safer than sadness)
Obstacle to success
Anger when something blocks you (car going slow, person being loud when trying to relax, politicians may block your goals)
Gain power and control
Respond by trying to dominate the obstacle
Physiological changes
Chest gets hot (vagus nerve), shoulders flexing, energy rising, feel taller, voice deepens and becomes louder, in warm rooms people are more prone to anger, brow furrow
Change one thing, the others may begin to change as well
Short lived emotion
Novelty (precursor to other emotions)
Information gain
Gather more information to determine if something is harmful or good, etc.
Eyebrows up in middle, mouth open, heart might flutter/“skip a beat”
Identifying threat
Real present threat = fear, not anxiety
See a bear, hydroplane, covid o Seeking protection
Physiological responses
Eyebrows go up, eyes wider, corners of mouth wider, eyes dilate, tension, tightness in chest, power goes to legs,
Judging others as inferior
“Why do you think this is reasonable”
Putting them in their place
“This is what im contributing to the project” “you think that’s good”
Resting bitch face (neutral expression perceived as contempt)
Maintain social hierarchy (evolutionary purpose)
Physiological changes
Facial expressions (often asymmetrical-eyebrow raise, smirk), not much response below the neck, body language (hands on the hips)
Can be conditioned to be repulsed by other things (can be people)
Gag at (prevent ingestion of substances)
Wrinkle nose/squint (prevent ingesting mood spores)
Physiological reaction
Maybe nausea