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Herzberg on Motivation | Hygiene Factors and Motivators

Professor Frederick Herzberg:

  • American psychologist (1923-2000)

  • Specialism in business management

  • Disagreed with Taylor (Scientific Management) about the importance of financial rewards (e.g. wages)

  • Much more convinced about the importance of non-financial factors

Herzberg’s Two Factors:

  • Motivators: Factors that directly motivate people to work harder

    • Responsibility at work

    • Meaningful, fulfilling work

    • Achievement and recognition

  • Hygiene: Factors that can de-motivate if not present but not actually motivate employees to work harder

    • Pay and other financial rewards

    • Working conditions

    • Appropriate supervision and policies

How Herzberg Would Suggest Motivating People:

  1. Motivate by using Motivators

  2. Ensure Hygiene factors are met

Some Possible Herzberg Motivators:

  • Job Enrichment:

    • A wider variety of tasks

    • Greater complexity and challenge

    • Manage own workload

    • Greater sense of achievement

  • Empowerment:

    • More responsibility and more autonomy

    • Allow employees to make decisions independently

    • Less supervision

    • Demonstrates trust


Herzberg on Motivation | Hygiene Factors and Motivators

Professor Frederick Herzberg:

  • American psychologist (1923-2000)

  • Specialism in business management

  • Disagreed with Taylor (Scientific Management) about the importance of financial rewards (e.g. wages)

  • Much more convinced about the importance of non-financial factors

Herzberg’s Two Factors:

  • Motivators: Factors that directly motivate people to work harder

    • Responsibility at work

    • Meaningful, fulfilling work

    • Achievement and recognition

  • Hygiene: Factors that can de-motivate if not present but not actually motivate employees to work harder

    • Pay and other financial rewards

    • Working conditions

    • Appropriate supervision and policies

How Herzberg Would Suggest Motivating People:

  1. Motivate by using Motivators

  2. Ensure Hygiene factors are met

Some Possible Herzberg Motivators:

  • Job Enrichment:

    • A wider variety of tasks

    • Greater complexity and challenge

    • Manage own workload

    • Greater sense of achievement

  • Empowerment:

    • More responsibility and more autonomy

    • Allow employees to make decisions independently

    • Less supervision

    • Demonstrates trust