Mechanical Properties of Fluid

1. Pressure

  • Pressure (P):

    F= Force, A = Area

  • Pressure due to a fluid column:


    h = height of the fluid,
    ρ = density of the fluid,
    g = acceleration due to gravity

2. Pascal's Law

  • Statement:
    "Pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted undiminished to every portion of the fluid and the walls of the container."

  • Applications:

    • Hydraulic lift:

    • Where

    • F1,F2 are forces, and

    • A1​,A2​ are areas.

3. Viscosity

  • Newton's Law of Viscosity:


    η = coefficient of viscosity,
    A = area,
    F = force required to maintain the flow (N)

  • V/L​ = velocity gradient (rate of change of velocity with distance)

  • Stokes’ Law:


    r = radius of the sphere,
    v = velocity of the object

  • Terminal Velocity:

    vt=2r2(ρs−ρf)g9ηv_t = \frac{2 r^2 (\rho_s - \rho_f) g}{9 \eta}vt​=9η2r2(ρs​−ρf​)g​

    ρs\rho_sρs​ = density of the sphere,
    ρf\rho_fρf​ = density of the fluid

4. Streamline and Turbulent Flow

  • Equation of Continuity (Conservation of Mass):

  • A1v1=A2v2

  • Where

  • A = cross-sectional area,

  • v= velocity

5. Bernoulli’s Theorem

  • Energy Conservation for Fluids:


    P = pressure energy,
    (1/2)ρv^2 = kinetic energy per unit volume,
    ρgh = potential energy per unit volume

6. Surface Tension

  • Surface Energy:

    Surface Energy=TΔA

    Where T = surface tension,

  • ΔA = change in surface area

  • Excess Pressure:

    • Inside a liquid drop: ΔP=2T/r

    • Inside a bubble: ΔP=4T/r

  • Capillary Rise:


    θ = angle of contact,
    r = radius of the capillary

Simplified Notes:

  1. Viscosity:
    It’s the measure of a fluid's resistance to flow. Honey has higher viscosity than water.

  2. Bernoulli's Principle:
    Faster-moving fluids exert lower pressure (used in airplanes and chimneys).

  3. Surface Tension:
    It’s the tendency of liquid surfaces to shrink into the minimum surface area (seen in soap bubbles and water droplets).

  4. Capillarity:
    Liquids rise or fall in a capillary tube due to adhesion and cohesion.

  5. Streamline vs. Turbulent Flow:

    • Streamline: Smooth and regular flow of fluid.

    • Turbulent: Chaotic and irregular flow.
