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Financial Objectives of Businesses

What is a Financial Objective?

  • A specific goal or target relating to the financial performance, resources and structure of a business

    • S: Specific

    • M: Measurable

    • A: Attainable

    • R: Relevant

    • T: Time-bound

The Value of Setting Financial Objectives:

  • A focus for the entire business

  • An important measure of success or failure for the business

  • Help reduce the risk of business failure

  • Provide transparency for stakeholders about their investment

  • Help coordinate the different business functions

  • The key context for making investment decisions (investment appraisal)

The Key Financial Objectives:

  • Revenue:

    • Revenue growth (% or value)

    • Sales maximisation

    • Market share

  • Costs:

    • Cost minimisation

    • Unit costs

  • Profit:

    • The specific level of profit (in absolute terms)

    • Rate of profitability (% of revenues)

    • Profit maximisation

  • Cash Flow:

    • Maximise cash balances

    • Limited how much is tied up in working capital

    • Cash flow to profit %

  • Capital Structure:

    • % of capital provided by debt (gearing)

    • Debt/equity ratio

  • Return on Investment:

    • Level of investment (£)

    • Return on investment (%)

    • Return on capital employed % (ROCE)


Financial Objectives of Businesses

What is a Financial Objective?

  • A specific goal or target relating to the financial performance, resources and structure of a business

    • S: Specific

    • M: Measurable

    • A: Attainable

    • R: Relevant

    • T: Time-bound

The Value of Setting Financial Objectives:

  • A focus for the entire business

  • An important measure of success or failure for the business

  • Help reduce the risk of business failure

  • Provide transparency for stakeholders about their investment

  • Help coordinate the different business functions

  • The key context for making investment decisions (investment appraisal)

The Key Financial Objectives:

  • Revenue:

    • Revenue growth (% or value)

    • Sales maximisation

    • Market share

  • Costs:

    • Cost minimisation

    • Unit costs

  • Profit:

    • The specific level of profit (in absolute terms)

    • Rate of profitability (% of revenues)

    • Profit maximisation

  • Cash Flow:

    • Maximise cash balances

    • Limited how much is tied up in working capital

    • Cash flow to profit %

  • Capital Structure:

    • % of capital provided by debt (gearing)

    • Debt/equity ratio

  • Return on Investment:

    • Level of investment (£)

    • Return on investment (%)

    • Return on capital employed % (ROCE)