church (lowercase c) = building where worship happens
Church (capital c) = community of Christians
e.g. universal Church…
church can also be used for Bible study, community events, etc.
Food banks
food to people who can’t afford to eat
Trussel Trust - UK
people donate food
people volunteer to help food banks
Oasis Project
help people long term for job appliances, escaping domestic violence, overcoming drug addiction…
Street Pastors
Christian volunteers who help people on the street by:
Discouraging anti-social behaviours and violence
listening to people
making the community safe
helping against gang vioelnce
Parish Nursing
Supports NHS nurses
Look after people w illness and lonely people, etc…
Mission and evangelism
Evangelism = spreading the Christian Gospel (what the Christians believed about Jesus)
Mission from God to spread faith
Before Jesus ascended, he gave the great commission (“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”
e.g. Preaching in public…
Alpha course offers courses where churches help people who are interested to learn about Christianity
Church Growth
Worldwide church is growing in South America, Africa, and Asia
NOT growing in Europe, USA, or Middle East
CfaN (Christ for all nations) is a charity which tries to spread the word of Christianity
e.g. through mass gatherings and books
Disciples are people who try to live like the Jesus’ 12 disciples, such as through spreading Christianity, being committed, etc.
All christians in the world = worldwide church
trying to bring christians together (reconciliation)
Bringing people back together after relationship has broken down
Jesus came to fix broken relationship
Reconcile between God and Humans, and between human and human
Christians being in peace and living harmoniously together with God
Discrimination/treated badly due to race, religion, belief
People who are persecuted for being christian will have their reward in Heaven
Christians believe that persecution helps them understand what Jesus went through
Helps christians show the strength of their faith
Responses: e.g. Pastor Baber George, Corrymeela Community
Responses to World Poverty
Jesus said christians should help the poor
Those who do not show compassion to others have no love of God in them
“Faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.”
CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) tries to help the poor
Christian Aid also helps the poor (“We believe in life before death”
Tearfund helps people survive famine in Biafra, following Jesus’ example of travvelling to places and helping people who needed him