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Chapter 3 Study guide


the power, rooted in reason and will; makes us responsible for our choices and actions, whether good or evil


a philosophy that holds that every event, action, and decision results from something independent of the human will; denies that humans have the power to choose

external freedom

freedom factors outside ourselves that threaten or destroy our power to exercise choice; Poor or hunger is an example

internal freedom

includes freedom from interior factors that limit choice; addiction and fear is an example

freedom for

Freedom's real purpose

freedom from

Both external and internal forces that limit choice


simply not knowing what we should do or not do


not paying attention or being distracted while we are acting


our freedom is certainly impeded when someone tries to do something

inordinate attachments

sometimes money and other possessions slave us to such a degree that we do not act with full freedom


the worst case of____ is panic


repeated behaviors can lead to habits whether good( virtues) or bad( vices)


ascribed, attributed, or linked to a specific accountable person or entity

What is another name for emotion?


true or false? emotions are morally neutral



an ordinance of reason for the common good, promulgated by the one who is in charge of the community; serves as an objective standard outside of ourselves against which we can measure what we want to do

natural law

the reason for the participation of humans in God's Eternal law reveals what God intends us to do and what to avoid according to his wise and loving plan

What elements are in law?

Reasonable, for the common good, from the competent authority, the law must be promulgated

What does natural law teach us?

what to do and what to avoid

Evangelical counsels

vows taken to poverty, chastity, and obedience to live the gospel more fully

precepts of the church

the minimal obligations for members in good standing of the Catholic Community

canon law

the full body of officially established rules governing the Catholic Church

unlimited freedom

unbridled, excessive, undisciplined freedom that abuses true Liberty

Who is the fundamental norm?

Jesus Christ


God's revealed word


history and teachings of the Christian Community


principles are formulated more correctly


certain standards or qualities that are deemed worthwhile


Reasonable, thinking, what people should expect

Divine Law

eternal, objective, and Universal whereby God orders, directs and governs the entire universe

old law

the first stage of revealed law

new law/ law of freedom

It enables us to be the children of God we are called to be, it helps strengthen our friendship with Jesus so we can hear his voice that calls us to love

Eternal civil law

God's perfect plan

What other two realities go hand in hand with freedom and moral life?

responsibility and law

What is the greatest power that humans possess? How does this ability relate to god?

the ability to love and it enables us to seek God and Unite with him

true or false? determinism teaches that humans do not have the power to choose and that every event, action, and decision is dependent on the human will

False; Independent

true or false? the major impediments to Freedom are so powerful we cannot change our actions

False; we can

What sources are used by the magisterium and developing guidelines to help Christians live as Christ lived?

scriptures, God's revealed word, and Tradition

What is the source of the moral law?

the Blessed Trinity

What are the four interrelated expressions of the moral law?

eternal, natural, revealed, and civil law

true or false? natural law applies to most people, and most places, most of the time

False; all

true or false? because of sin and weakened intellects, we cannot always correctly discern the natural law, therefore God provides what humans


true or false? society's apply the natural law the same no matter the custom or circumstance

False; differently

What is the law of Moses also known as?

the Old Law

Natural law is our participation in what law?

Divine Law

Civil law is to what?

natural law


Chapter 3 Study guide


the power, rooted in reason and will; makes us responsible for our choices and actions, whether good or evil


a philosophy that holds that every event, action, and decision results from something independent of the human will; denies that humans have the power to choose

external freedom

freedom factors outside ourselves that threaten or destroy our power to exercise choice; Poor or hunger is an example

internal freedom

includes freedom from interior factors that limit choice; addiction and fear is an example

freedom for

Freedom's real purpose

freedom from

Both external and internal forces that limit choice


simply not knowing what we should do or not do


not paying attention or being distracted while we are acting


our freedom is certainly impeded when someone tries to do something

inordinate attachments

sometimes money and other possessions slave us to such a degree that we do not act with full freedom


the worst case of____ is panic


repeated behaviors can lead to habits whether good( virtues) or bad( vices)


ascribed, attributed, or linked to a specific accountable person or entity

What is another name for emotion?


true or false? emotions are morally neutral



an ordinance of reason for the common good, promulgated by the one who is in charge of the community; serves as an objective standard outside of ourselves against which we can measure what we want to do

natural law

the reason for the participation of humans in God's Eternal law reveals what God intends us to do and what to avoid according to his wise and loving plan

What elements are in law?

Reasonable, for the common good, from the competent authority, the law must be promulgated

What does natural law teach us?

what to do and what to avoid

Evangelical counsels

vows taken to poverty, chastity, and obedience to live the gospel more fully

precepts of the church

the minimal obligations for members in good standing of the Catholic Community

canon law

the full body of officially established rules governing the Catholic Church

unlimited freedom

unbridled, excessive, undisciplined freedom that abuses true Liberty

Who is the fundamental norm?

Jesus Christ


God's revealed word


history and teachings of the Christian Community


principles are formulated more correctly


certain standards or qualities that are deemed worthwhile


Reasonable, thinking, what people should expect

Divine Law

eternal, objective, and Universal whereby God orders, directs and governs the entire universe

old law

the first stage of revealed law

new law/ law of freedom

It enables us to be the children of God we are called to be, it helps strengthen our friendship with Jesus so we can hear his voice that calls us to love

Eternal civil law

God's perfect plan

What other two realities go hand in hand with freedom and moral life?

responsibility and law

What is the greatest power that humans possess? How does this ability relate to god?

the ability to love and it enables us to seek God and Unite with him

true or false? determinism teaches that humans do not have the power to choose and that every event, action, and decision is dependent on the human will

False; Independent

true or false? the major impediments to Freedom are so powerful we cannot change our actions

False; we can

What sources are used by the magisterium and developing guidelines to help Christians live as Christ lived?

scriptures, God's revealed word, and Tradition

What is the source of the moral law?

the Blessed Trinity

What are the four interrelated expressions of the moral law?

eternal, natural, revealed, and civil law

true or false? natural law applies to most people, and most places, most of the time

False; all

true or false? because of sin and weakened intellects, we cannot always correctly discern the natural law, therefore God provides what humans


true or false? society's apply the natural law the same no matter the custom or circumstance

False; differently

What is the law of Moses also known as?

the Old Law

Natural law is our participation in what law?

Divine Law

Civil law is to what?

natural law