We use นัก (nák) as a prefix, mostly before verbs, to form nouns that describe a type of person who does that action. Many of these types of compound words are occupations.
นักบิน (nák-bin) ➤ “person who flies” ; “pilot”
บิน (bin) means "to fly."
นักเขียน (nák-khǐian) ➤ "person who writes" ; “writer”
เขียน (khǐian) means "to write."
นักธุรกิจ (nák-thú-rá-gìt) ➤ "person who does business" ; "businessman."
ธุรกิจ (thú-rá-gìt) means "business" or "commerce."
Here is a list of some more nouns for types of people that we can make with the prefix นัก (nák).
นักการเมือง | (nák-gaan-muueang) | politician |
นักกีฬา | (nák-gii-laa) | athlete |
นักข่าว | (nák-khàao) | reporter; journalist |
นักเรียน | (nák-riian) | student |
นักศึกษา | (nák-sùek-sǎa) | university student; college student |
นักดนตรี | (nák-don-dtrii) | musician |
นักบินอวกาศ | (nák-bin-à-wà-gàat) | astronaut |
นักมวย | (nák-muuai) | boxer |
นักแปล | (nák-bplaae) | translator |
นักร้อง | (nák-ráawng) | singer |
นักว่ายน้ำ | (nák-wâai-náam) | swimmer |
ได้สิ (dâai sì**)**
This phrase means "Certainly!" or "Of course you can!"
The verb ได้ (dâai) in this phrase means "to be possible."
สิ (sì) is an emphatic particle.
We use it to turn statements into suggestions or commands.
นั่งได้สิครับ (nâng dâai sì khráp.) ➤ "Certainly, you may sit down."
ได้สิครับ (dâai sì khráp.) ➤ "Yes, certainly."
ทำงานเป็น... (tham-ngaan bpen)
This phrase means "work as a..."
ทำงาน (tham-ngaan) **is the verb "to work."
When followed by the verb "to be," เป็น (bpen), and then the name of some occupation, it means the subject works as that occupation.
(thîi à-mee-rí-gaa tham-ngaan bpen nák-bin nâ khráp.)
➤ "In America, I work as a pilot."
ส่วน (sùuan)
This is a noun that means "aspect," "part," or "portion."
However, we can also use it at the beginning of a sentence as a conjunction meaning "as for."
We use it when introducing a different subject than the one we used in the previous sentence.
ส่วนดิฉันเป็นครูค่ะ (sùuan dì-chǎn bpen khruu khâ.)
➤ "As for me, I'm a teacher."
ส่วนนั่นคือต้นลิ้นจี่ (sùuan nân khuue dtôn lín-jìi.)
➤ "As for that, it's a lychee tree."
Certain jobs in Thailand are considered to have higher social status than in other countries.
Doctors and teachers are highly respected in the community.
Despite being highly admired, teachers are not paid very well in Thailand.
Most teachers in Thai government schools start out earning less than $300 USD per month.
Police officers in Thailand also earn a low regular salary and have a reputation for taking bribes.
Construction workers in Thailand earn the bare minimum allowed and are often immigrants from neighboring countries.
Waitresses in Thailand usually receive only the minimum wage as there is not a strong tipping culture.
Buddhist monks are the most highly respected profession in Thailand but do not earn any money and rely solely on donations for their livelihood.