#1. You arrive at the scene and you and your partner are working quickly to take care of things, what should you do next? B.
#2. You're checking a patient at the scene and it’s time to do the ABCs, what does that mean to an EMT? Airway, Breathing, Circulation
#3. A patient comes into the ER and the paramedics are performing CPR and they rush the patient and you hear the buzz (3.2.4) D. Emergent
#4. The patient complains about a sore neck and a headache (Mechanism Of Injury) Answer: A.
#5. The chart below → Positive feedback. https://blog.albert.io/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Blood-Clotting.png
#7. Which are the involuntary changes in the pupil? Answer: Nervous system.
#8. Signs of life-threatening bleeding include the following? A. Pooling of blood, B. Increasing of communication, C. Large value of blood, D. Continous bleeding.
#9. Where can the tourniquet be applied? Answers: ONLY arms and legs
#10. Which has the correct order of steps in a primary assessment? Answer: D
#11. When holding a compression pressure, you should do which of the following? Answer: C.
#12. Your bleeding patient is complaining of pain when applying the tourniquet, should you remove it? Answer: False.
#13. Which Is the correct order of a scene size up? Answer: B
#14. What happens to the pupils when they get dilated? Answer: B.
#15. What are examples of parenteral drugs? (3.2.2) Answer: Suppositories and ointments.
#16. Which route of delivery would be more appropriate to treat a bacterial infection? Answer: Antibiotics in pill form.
#17. The cell is the same as that in the cell. Answer B:
#18. The nurse evaluates decisions around the urgency of a patient’s needs for care. Answer: D. Triage Nurse.
#19. What are the correct steps for emergency care? Answer: D.
#20. What is the basic facility Answer: A.
#21. Hospital systems do not benefit from mobile apps. Answer. False.
#22. [Matching part WORTH 30 POINTs] A-T
Skin turgor-a measure of the elasticity of the skin and is used as an indicator of dehydration
Antigens-Anything that stimulates an immune response.
Antibodies-A protein produced by B cells in the blood; works to impair pathogens. Also called an immunoglobulin.
Enteral drugs-medications that enter the body through the digestive tract, like oral medications such as pills or liquids.
Parenteral drugs- are those that enter the body in a manner other than through the digestive tract.
Intramuscular injection-Delivers medicine into muscle tissue where it can be quickly absorbed by the bloodstream. Used to administer medication more quickly than a subcutaneous injection and is easier to administer than an IV.
Subcutaneous injection-Delivers medicine into the tissue layer under the skin and above the muscle. Used to deliver medicine quickly, but it takes longer to go into effect than IV as it needs time to diffuse into the body.
Solvent-The dissolving agent of a solution. Water is the most versatile solvent.
Solute-The substance that is dissolved in another substance.
Homeostasis- The maintenance of stable internal physiological conditions (like body temperature or the pH of blood), which enables the optimal functioning of an organism.
Hypotonic-The concentration of solutes outside the cell is less than that inside the cell. Water moves into the cell and it swells.
Hypertonic-The concentration of solutes outside the cell is greater than that inside the cell. Water moves out of the cell and it shrinks.
Triage- The sorting and prioritization of patients based on the urgency of their need for care.
Urgent-Care needed quickly but can be delayed temporarily
Semi-urgent- Care is needed but can wait if other higher-priority patients exist
Medical surge-Occurs when the number of new patients challenges or exceeds a hospital’s ability to serve all of them.
Surge capacity- Refers to the ability to care for an increased volume of patients that challenges or exceeds normal operations. This is a measure of how many patients a medical facility can triage, treat, and manage in addition to its normal average number of patients.
End-user-A representative consumer for whom a hardware or software product is designed.
User interface-The visual display of a computer app or operating system, through which an end user interacts with the computing device or software.
Platelets(thrombocyte) -A minute, colorless, anucleate disk-like body of mammalian blood that assists in blood clotting by adhering to other platelets and damaged epithelium.
#23. [OPEN-ENDED QUESTION] What are the 3 conditions that would require the use of a tourniquet? Pooling of blood, Causing Injury trauma, If compression does not work.
#24. Where should the tourniquet be placed? Leg and arm
#25. ABCs of stopping the bleeding? Alert, Bleeding, Compression.
#26. ABCs of patients assessment? Airway, Breathing, Circulation.
#27. Rank the patients as emergent, non-emergent, semi-urgent, urgent