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Chapter 7: Trait Theories of Personality

Trait theory of Gordon W. Allport

  • Harvard Psychologist

  • Highlighted healthy aspects of human behavior

    • This contrasted with the psychoanalytic emphasis on animalistic and neurotic aspects of behavior

  • Traits are basic units of personality

    • Defined by frequency, intensity, and range of situations

  • Three different kinds of traits

    • Cardinal

    • Central

    • Secondary

  • Trats are necessary to explain consistency

  • Idiographic research

    • Focus is on the potentially unique individual

    • Studies are viewed as a path for learning about people

Factor-Analytic Trait Theory of Raymond B Catell

  • PhD from University of London

  • Did personality research and got clinical experience in Britian


Chapter 7: Trait Theories of Personality

Trait theory of Gordon W. Allport

  • Harvard Psychologist

  • Highlighted healthy aspects of human behavior

    • This contrasted with the psychoanalytic emphasis on animalistic and neurotic aspects of behavior

  • Traits are basic units of personality

    • Defined by frequency, intensity, and range of situations

  • Three different kinds of traits

    • Cardinal

    • Central

    • Secondary

  • Trats are necessary to explain consistency

  • Idiographic research

    • Focus is on the potentially unique individual

    • Studies are viewed as a path for learning about people

Factor-Analytic Trait Theory of Raymond B Catell

  • PhD from University of London

  • Did personality research and got clinical experience in Britian