Overview of decision-making processes
Key Topics:
Classical Decision Theory
Heuristics and Biases
Opportunity Costs
Group Decision Making
Benefits of Group Decisions
Types of Reasoning:
Deductive Reasoning
Inductive Reasoning
Economic Man and Woman Model for Decision Makers:
Fully informed about all options and outcomes
Sensitive to distinctions among choices
Fully rational in decision-making
Human actions aim for pleasure and avoid pain
Emphasis on subjective utility and probability in judgments
Choosing an option that meets an acceptable threshold, ignoring other choices
Focus on one aspect of each alternative individually without comparison
Example: Choosing a partner by evaluating appearance first, then personality, etc.
Inferring from characteristics of specific instances about the broader population
Example parsing through contexts, leading to sampling errors
Judgments based on how easily instances come to mind relevant to a phenomenon
Evaluations adjusted based on specific reference points
Presentation of options influences decision-making tendencies
Preference for smaller, certain gains over larger, uncertain gains
Illusory Correlation:
Seeing connections between unrelated events or attributes
Overestimating one’s own skills and knowledge
Hindsight Bias:
The perception that one could have predicted an outcome after knowing it
Gambler’s Fallacy:
Belief that prior events influence the probability of future independent events
Hot Hand Fallacy:
Assuming success will continue based on previous successes
Conjunction Fallacy:
Higher estimates for specific subsets of events
Sunk-Cost Fallacy:
Continuing investment in a decision due to prior investments
Collective expertise enhances resources and ideas
Group memory typically surpasses individual memory with conditions:
Small groups
Open communication
Shared mindset
Group identification
Consensus on acceptable behavior
Premature decision-making to avoid conflict within a cohesive group
Conditions Leading to Groupthink:
Isolated, cohesive, homogeneous groups
Lack of objective leadership
High stress levels
Rationalization distorts reality
Suppression of dissent
Formation of mindguards
Illusion of invulnerability
Illusion of unanimity
Encourage constructive criticism and seek impartial feedback
Conditional Reasoning:
Based on rational thought, applicable in daily situations
General to specific
Modus Ponens:
If p, then q; affirming p leads to q
Modus Tollens:
If p, then q; denying q leads to not p
Examples of Fallacies in Deductive Reasoning
Denying the Antecedent
Affirming the Consequent
Conclusions drawn from two premises
Categorical Syllogism (statements about category memberships)
Universal Affirmatives & Negatives
Particular Affirmatives & Negatives
All cognitive psychologists are pianists.
All pianists are athletes.
Thus, all cognitive psychologists are athletes.
Base on empiricism, valuing experience and observation
Example of Inductive Reasoning:
Noticing cleverness among math students can lead to a broad generalization about all students in math.
Cautions against conclusiveness without comprehensive observation
Basis for judgments about causation
Relationships can create illusory correlations
Methods of Inference:
Bottom-up Strategies:
Observations lead to prototypes focusing on relevant properties
Top-down Strategies:
Selectively looking for consistencies and integrating concepts
To navigate variability in environments and predict events, reducing uncertainty.