(455) Fusion and stability of stars [IB Physics SL/HL]

Our Planet and Its Orbit

  • Earth: The third planet from the Sun; it rotates on its axis, creating a day (24 hours).

  • Year: The time taken for Earth to orbit the Sun, approximately 365 days.

Solar System

  • Solar System: Contains Earth and other planets orbiting our Sun, a star.

  • Other Planets: Not the only ones; searching for additional planets is ongoing.


  • Milky Way Galaxy: A vast collection of billions of stars, including our Sun. Visualized as a spiral shape.

  • Local Group: Our local galaxy cluster, which includes the Andromeda Galaxy moving toward us.

The Universe

  • Vastness of Universe: Contains numerous galaxies, many with their own stars and planets.

  • Hubble Deep Field: An image capturing thousands of galaxies in a small part of the dark sky—approximately 5,500 galaxies visible.

Understanding Stars

  • Definition of a Star: A large collection of hydrogen gas undergoing nuclear fusion.

  • Nuclear Fusion: Process where hydrogen is converted into helium, releasing energy (light and heat).

  • E=mc²: Einstein's equation explaining that mass is converted into energy during fusion (mass defect).

Energy and Properties of Stars

  • Energy Forms: Stars emit light and heat as energy; this explains why they shine and are hot.

  • Hydrostatic Equilibrium: Balance between gravity (pulling inward) and radiation pressure (pushing outward) in a star.
