Components of an Atom:
Proton: Positively charged particle.
Neutron: Neutral particle, no charge.
Electron: Negatively charged particle.
Significant Formulas:
Avogadro's Number: 6.02214179 x 10^23 ( \text{SO CALL ME MAYBE} )
Discovery of Electrons:
Conducted by J.J. Thomson in 1897.
Experiment involved a cathode ray tube that showed electrons being deflected towards a positively charged plate.
Atoms contain negatively charged particles (electrons) which have a consistent mass-to-charge ratio.
Statements about Cathode Rays:
A. They originate from the negative electrode in a cathode ray tube.
B. They travel in straight lines in the absence of electric or magnetic fields.
C. They are made up of electrons.
D. The properties of cathode rays are dependent on the cathode material.
Correct Answer (Not True): D
Robert Millikan's Oil-Drop Experiment (1909):
Determined the mass and charge of an electron.
Charge of an electron: 1.602 x 10^-19 C.
Mass of an electron: 9.109 x 10^-28 g.
Plum-Pudding Model:
Proposed that electrons (negative charge) are distributed throughout a diffuse, positively charged sphere.
Conclusion: Positive charge is distributed throughout the spherical atom.
Henri Becquerel: Discovered that some materials emit invisible radiation consisting of charged particles.
Marie and Pierre Curie: Confirmed that these emissions consist of small particles.
Radioactivity: Is defined as the spontaneous emission of high-energy radiation and particles, including:
Beta particles (( \beta )): High energy electrons.
Alpha particles (( \alpha )): +2 charge, with mass equivalent to Helium nucleus.
Ernest Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment:
Used alpha particles to test Thomson’s model of the atom.
James Chadwick's Discovery:
Bombarded beryllium with alpha particles and emitted high-energy radiation containing electrically neutral particles, called neutrons.
The positively charged center of an atom.
Contains nearly all of the atom’s mass.
Composed of:
Protons: Positively charged subatomic particles.
Neutrons: Electrically neutral subatomic particles.
The unit used to express the relative masses of atoms and subatomic particles.
Equal to 1/12 of a carbon atom.
Example: 6 protons + 6 neutrons = 12 amu.
1 amu = 1 Dalton (Da), named after John Dalton.
Particle Symbol Mass (u) Mass (g) Charge (C) | ||||
Neutron | n | 1.00867 | 1.67493 x 10^{-24} | 0 (neutral) |
Proton | p+ | 1.00728 | 1.67262 x 10^{-24} | +1 (1.602 x 10^{-19}) |
Electron | e- | 0.000549 | 9.10939 x 10^{-28} | -1 (1.602 x 10^{-19}) |
Isotopes: Atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.
Example with Neon Gas:
Two types: 90% with mass 20 amu and 10% with mass 22 amu.
Representation: A (mass number) Z (atomic number / protons) X (element symbol).
Isotope with 11 protons and 12 neutrons:
Have to calculate mass number A = 11 + 12.
Definition: It's the weighted average of masses of all isotopes of an element.
Common Calculation Method:
Multiply the natural abundance of each isotope by its mass in amu and sum these products.
Dmitri Mendeleev:
Organized elements by atomic mass and similar properties.
Left spaces for undiscovered elements.
Horizontal rows = Periods.
Vertical columns = Groups.
Element Categories:
Metals (left/bottom)
Nonmetals (right/top)
Metalloids (between metals/nonmetals)
Group 1: Alkali metals
Group 2: Alkaline earth metals
Group 17: Halogens
Group 18: Noble gases
Transition metals: Found in between groups in the periodic table.
Questions about Transition Metals:
Which of the following is a transition metal?
B. Sodium
C. Lead
D. Tin
Avogadro's Number:
6.02214179 x 10^23
Charge of an Electron:
1.602 x 10^-19 Coulombs
Mass of an Electron:
9.109 x 10^-28 grams
Atomic Mass Units (amu):
1 amu = 1 Dalton (Da), equal to 1/12 of a carbon atom.
Average Atomic Mass Calculation:
Average Atomic Mass = (Natural Abundance of Isotope 1 × Mass of Isotope 1) + (Natural Abundance of Isotope 2 × Mass of Isotope 2) + ...
Nuclide Symbols Format:
Representation: A (mass number) Z (atomic number / protons) X (element symbol).
These equations are foundational for understanding atomic structure, electron properties, and elemental calculations.