QUT respects the Turrbal and Yugara peoples as First Nations owners.
Acknowledges their Elders, lores, customs, and importance in education.
Welcome and affirmation of student presence.
Key topics for discussion:
Student voices
Assessment updates
Class topics and activities
Objective: Foster courage for students to share thoughts and opinions.
Courage identified as a key value desired by employers.
Weekly sharing prompt: Students bring relevant material (videos, articles, podcasts) to enrich discussions on:
Future of work
Digital capabilities
Technology usage in organizations
Includes a recent trend involving a viral dog story connected to a hotel, showcasing the integration of modern news.
Discusses relevance to class context and industry insights.
Focus on:
Personal development and self-reflection
Digital capabilities
Oral critiques of AI-generated content
Business case report
Assessment One: Digital Capability Self-Assessment and Reflection
Due Week 5
Weight: 25%
Word Count: 800 words (+/-10%)
Reflection on personal digital capabilities and future workplace needs.
Plan for future work and skills improvement.
Assessment Two: Oral Critique of AI-generated Content
Details to be provided in class.
Assessment Three: Business Case Report
Emphasis on important digital capabilities for business graduates.
Utilize an assignment calculator for time management:
Step 1: Analyze assignment task by deadlines.
Step 2 to Step 6: Stages for gathering information, note organization, drafting, editing, and final formatting.
Resource link for assignment calculator available on QUT Virtual.
Engaging in best practices for personal and professional growth.
Understanding relevant tasks and processes in the context of professional expectations.
4/5 Rs Framework: Reporting, Responding, Relating, Reasoning, Reconstructing.
Gibbs Cycle: Includes stages from description to action planning.
Emphasis on meaningful outcomes and future application from reflective insights.
Focus on digital capabilities required for business graduates and their significance in future employment.
Reflect on personal skills and gaps in digital capabilities.
Connect observations to relevant literature and evidence.
Develop an actionable plan based on gap analysis in digital skills.
Suggested reading includes the World Economic Forum Future of Jobs Report 2025 and Australia-specific skills reports.
Utilize Google Scholar, LinkedIn insights, and government or consulting firm reports for research.
Reminder of agenda includes student participation, assessment check-ins, and class topic exploration.