America experienced a new wave of nativism
Rural Americans thought of immigrants as “un-American”, non-Protestant, anarchists, socialists
The Red Scare, union strikes and growth of Eugene Deb’s socialist Party spread fears of a Russian style socialist revolution.
During the Red Scare, immigrants were under attack
in 1920, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were arrested and charged with robbery and murder
In response to nativism, Congress passed new immigration restrictions in 1921 and 1924
These laws created quotas that placed a maximum number of how many immigrants could enter the U.S. each year
These laws targeted those immigrants who came from southern and Eastern Europe or Asia
The 1920’s saw an increase in the Ku Klux Klan
The KKK promoted traditional “American” values and used violence and fear to attack immigrants, African Americans, Catholics, Jaws, socialists
Rural Americans found comfort in religious fundamentalism (a literal interpretation of the bible)
The Scopes “Monkey Trial” was a national sensation
ACLU attorney Clarence Darrow defended Scopes; Represented urban America, science and modernity
William Jennings Bryan served as prosecutor; Represented Christianity and rural values
Scopes was found guilty, but evolutionists belived they won because Darrow got Bryan to admit that the world might not have been made in six 24 hour days.
America in the 1920’s experienced a decade of change
Increases in consumerism
Government policies favored business and isolationism
Women and African Americans experienced new freedoms while immigrants came under attack
Cars, radios, entertainment