Unit 8B: Intolerance


  • America experienced a new wave of nativism

  • Rural Americans thought of immigrants as “un-American”, non-Protestant, anarchists, socialists

  • The Red Scare, union strikes and growth of Eugene Deb’s socialist Party spread fears of a Russian style socialist revolution.

  • During the Red Scare, immigrants were under attack

  • in 1920, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were arrested and charged with robbery and murder

  • In response to nativism, Congress passed new immigration restrictions in 1921 and 1924

  • These laws created quotas that placed a maximum number of how many immigrants could enter the U.S. each year

  • These laws targeted those immigrants who came from southern and Eastern Europe or Asia

  • The 1920’s saw an increase in the Ku Klux Klan

  • The KKK promoted traditional “American” values and used violence and fear to attack immigrants, African Americans, Catholics, Jaws, socialists

  • Rural Americans found comfort in religious fundamentalism (a literal interpretation of the bible)

  • The Scopes “Monkey Trial” was a national sensation

    • ACLU attorney Clarence Darrow defended Scopes; Represented urban America, science and modernity

    • William Jennings Bryan served as prosecutor; Represented Christianity and rural values

    • Scopes was found guilty, but evolutionists belived they won because Darrow got Bryan to admit that the world might not have been made in six 24 hour days.

  • America in the 1920’s experienced a decade of change

    • Increases in consumerism

    • Government policies favored business and isolationism

    • Women and African Americans experienced new freedoms while immigrants came under attack

    • Cars, radios, entertainment
