
Chapter 7

Section 1: Regional Economies Create Differences

Another Revolution affects America

Mass production - production of goods in large quentaties'

Industrial Revolution - social and economic reorganization that took place as machines replace hand tools and large-scale factory production developed

The industrial revolution starts in Britain because inventors created ways to generate power from coal and machinery was made

Causes of the Industrial revolution - Jefferson’s Embargo and the war of 1812

Samuel Slater made the first tectile factory in America but it only made thread.

The used the English mill and ideas from Francis Cabot Lowell, Nathan Appleton, and Patrick Tracy Jackson to make a weaving factory

Two economic systems Develop

The north relied mainly on manufacturing and the south relied on plantations and exporting goods

The north raised - cattle and corn and sell it to city markets

Cotton gin - a machine that is used to clean cotton and can clean 50 lbs per day

Slavery had increased because of the cotton gin

Clay proposes the American system

Madison presented a plan to unite the nation because of the widely different economies

His plan included: developing transportation (internal improvements), a protective tariff, resurrection the national bank

The American system was popularized by Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun

Henry Clay is the one who called it the American system

The National Road began to be built in 1811 and extended from Maryland, to illinois.

The Erie canal was one of the internal improvements

The tariff of 1816 was made to pay for internal improvements

The tarrif of 1816 taxed imports and made foreign goods more expensive.

This tariff benefited the north but not the south.

The second National Bank was made and supported by many.

James Monroa was elected and his presidency was known as the “Era of Good Feelings”

Section 2: Nationalism at Center Stage

Supreme court boosts national power

Gibbons v. Odgen gave the government power to regulate trade going past state lines

McCulloch v. Maryland gave the government more power over the economy and made the federal government able to tax

Fletcher v. Peck made states not allowed to enter contracts

Dartmouth College v. Woodward made it that states could not revise contracts

Nationalism Shapes foreign Policy

John Quincy Adams aranged the Conventin of 1818 to solidify the U.S’s boundaries with Canada

The Adams-Onis Treaty made the Spanish give up the Oregon Territory

Monroe Doctrine - basically whoever bothers the U.S will not be dealt with kindly and they are willing to fight back.

Missouri Compromomise - to create a balance between the north and the south Missouri was made a slave state and maine a free state

Section 3: The age of Jackson

Expandin Democracy Changes Politics

The Jacksonians formed the Democratic-Republican Party to try and stop Adams’s policies

Jackson Appealed to the common man and thats how he won

Spoils system - incoming officials throw out former appointees and replace them with their own friends

10% of federal employees gave up their jobs to Jacksonians

The kitchen cabinet was made of his primary advisors and are said to have slipped into the white house through the kitchen

Removal of Native Americans

Indian Removal Act of 1830 - this allowed the government to make treaties to move the natives west

Choctaw treaty - made them to move from missiippi

The cherokee try and fight back but they did not win legally because they are dependant on America

Worcester v. Georgia the court ruled Georgia was not allowed to regulate the Cherokee

Jackson said that since he is enforcing it id doesn’t matter what Marshalls decion is

Treaty of New Echota - gave 8 million acres of Cherokee land to the government for $5 mill

Trail of Tears - journey of the Cherokee from their previous land to their worse land

Section 4: States’ Rights and the National Bank

A Tariff Raises the states’ rights issue

Tariff of Abominations - John C. Calhoun’s name for the Tariff of 1828 because it hurt S.C

Calhoun switched sides a lot

Calhoun made the nullification theory to question how leagal some federal laws were

Hayne and Webster Debate States’ rights

Robart Hayne is from S.C while Daniel Webster is from MA

Jackson said “Our Union: it must be preserved” to end the debate

Force Bill - allows the govenrment to use army and navy against S.C

Tariff that Henry Clay proposed said to lower the duties over 10 years

Jackson Attacks the National Bank

Jackson opposed the bank because it was “corrupt”

Jackson wnated Pet banks instead of the BUS

Martin Van Buren was the one to put these Pet Banks into action

Nicholas Biddle tried to save the bank

Whig Party forms - A party that was against Jacksons ideas

Van Buren deals with Jackson’s legacy

Panic of 1837 - banks closed and there was a collapse of the credit system

Congress established the treasury to stop the Panic of 1837

William Henry Harrison ran for the whig party

Harrison used Jackson's technequies to win presidency but died a month later due to pneumonia

John Tyler was put into power because he was Harrisons V.P

John Tyler got kicked out of the Whig party

John Tyler was named “His accidency”
