Moche = ugly
Vomi = sick (slang)
Globuleux = bulging (eyes)
Remuer = to move
Rembourser = to pay off
Féconde =fertile
Exprès = deliberately
De premier coup = first time
Tout à fait = completely, absolutely
Désir = to wish
Barbu = bearded
Se rendre compte de = to realise
Louer à = to rent
En bas de = on the ground floor
Claquer = to slam
La paysanne = farmer
Accouchement = giving birth
Le baptême = the baptism
Tambour = drum,drummer
Chameau = camel
Égorger = to cut the throat of
Mouton = sheep
Perspicace = observant
Meuf = bird (uk slang)
De tout façon = anyway