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Agricultural Reforms


To create a modern superpower

  • China was seen as “sick man of Asia”

  • Industrialisation & urbanisation

  • Establish a Command Economy (Marxist-Leninism)

  • To export grain to raise money for investments and advanced technology

  • To feed the growing urban population

  • To increase efficiency & reduce agricultural labour demands to facilitate construction projects etc.

Land Redistribution

Agrarian Reform Law - 1950

  • Claimed it would eradicate the exploitation of peasants by the “landlord class”

  • Local Party officials organised work teams

    • Calculate how much each peasant owed

    • Labelled “poor”, “middle”, “rich” peasant or “landlord”


  • Landlords were publicly humiliated and accused of exploitation

  • “Speak bitterness” meetings

    • Ordinary peasants passed sentence against class enemies

    • Possessions were confiscated & divided

    • Often executed

  • Fitted with Mao’s belief → mass participation

    • Complict with Communists

    • Could claim peasant-led revolution


  • 43% of land was redistributed to 60% of population

  • 1950-52 production +15 p.a

  • Landlord class was destroyed

    • 700,000 officially killed (may be more)

  • Pleased peasants & consolidated Mao’s power


Agricultural Reforms


To create a modern superpower

  • China was seen as “sick man of Asia”

  • Industrialisation & urbanisation

  • Establish a Command Economy (Marxist-Leninism)

  • To export grain to raise money for investments and advanced technology

  • To feed the growing urban population

  • To increase efficiency & reduce agricultural labour demands to facilitate construction projects etc.

Land Redistribution

Agrarian Reform Law - 1950

  • Claimed it would eradicate the exploitation of peasants by the “landlord class”

  • Local Party officials organised work teams

    • Calculate how much each peasant owed

    • Labelled “poor”, “middle”, “rich” peasant or “landlord”


  • Landlords were publicly humiliated and accused of exploitation

  • “Speak bitterness” meetings

    • Ordinary peasants passed sentence against class enemies

    • Possessions were confiscated & divided

    • Often executed

  • Fitted with Mao’s belief → mass participation

    • Complict with Communists

    • Could claim peasant-led revolution


  • 43% of land was redistributed to 60% of population

  • 1950-52 production +15 p.a

  • Landlord class was destroyed

    • 700,000 officially killed (may be more)

  • Pleased peasants & consolidated Mao’s power