To create a modern superpower
China was seen as “sick man of Asia”
Industrialisation & urbanisation
Establish a Command Economy (Marxist-Leninism)
To export grain to raise money for investments and advanced technology
To feed the growing urban population
To increase efficiency & reduce agricultural labour demands to facilitate construction projects etc.
Claimed it would eradicate the exploitation of peasants by the “landlord class”
Local Party officials organised work teams
Calculate how much each peasant owed
Labelled “poor”, “middle”, “rich” peasant or “landlord”
Landlords were publicly humiliated and accused of exploitation
“Speak bitterness” meetings
Ordinary peasants passed sentence against class enemies
Possessions were confiscated & divided
Often executed
Fitted with Mao’s belief → mass participation
Complict with Communists
Could claim peasant-led revolution
43% of land was redistributed to 60% of population
1950-52 production +15 p.a
Landlord class was destroyed
700,000 officially killed (may be more)
Pleased peasants & consolidated Mao’s power