Ch. 6: Tour of Cells - Review

Review Questions:

  1. Be able to identify and name the function of the following organelles:

    1. nucleus

    2. nuclear envelope

    3. nucleolus

    4. ribosome

    5. endoplasmic reticulum (smooth ER and rough ER)

    6. vesicle

    7. Golgi apparatus

    8. lysosome

    9. vacuole

    10. mitochondria

    11. chloroplast

    12. peroxisome

    13. cytoskeleton

  2. Distinguish between the following pairs of terms:

    1. magnification and resolution

    2. prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell

    3. free and bound ribosomes

  3. Describe the structure and function of the components (organelles) of the endomembrane system.

  4. Compare the structure and functions of microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments.

  5. Explain how the ultrastructure of cilia and flagella relate to their functions.

  6. Describe the structure of a plant cell wall.

  7. Describe the structure and roles of the extracellular matrix in animal cells.

  8. Describe four different intercellular junctions.
