Title: CHEMIE H6: Chemisch Evenwicht
Contains numerical data (200 ml, 50, 150, 100-500, 800, 200, 150, 50, 100) related to experimentation or measurements.
Title: Overzicht
Sections covered:
6.1. Dynamisch Evenwicht in een Gesloten Systeem (p.215-216)
6.2. Evenwichtsreacties (p.216-217)
6.3. Wet van het Chemisch Evenwicht (p.218-221)
6.4. Verschuiving van het Chemisch Evenwicht (p.222-230)
6.5. Aflopende Reacties (p.231)
6.6. Evenwichtsreacties, Aflopende Reacties, Onmogelijke Reacties (p.232)
6.7. Uitgewerkte Vraagstukken (p.233-234)
Title: Water Evaporation Experiment
Observation or relevant notes could be mentioned regarding evaporation processes.
Title: Verdamping Water: Open Systeem versus Gesloten Systeem
Dynamisch Evenwicht in een Gesloten Systeem:
Equilibrium between liquid water and water vapor.
Statistically no change; evaporation and condensation continue, showing a seemingly stable state = dynamic equilibrium (liquid ⇄ vapor).
Title: Chemische Reacties: Evenwichtsreacties vs Aflopende Reacties
Reaction: A + B ⇄ C + D
Notation indicates the bidirectional conversion of reactants and products.
Emphasis on the nature of equilibrium reactions vs. irreversible reactions.
Title: Rate of Reactions
Dynamics of equilibrium:
Rate of forward reaction = Rate of reverse reaction
Dynamic Equilibrium concept and its importance in chemical reaction analysis.
Title: Aflopende Reactie vs Evenwichtsreactie
Aflopende Reactie: All reactants convert completely into products.
Evenwichtsreactie: Reactants do not completely convert; some remain.
Title: Evenwichtsreacties
Key Concept: Chemisch Evenwicht
A closed system where participating substances aim for equilibrium.
Homogeen Evenwicht: Like states of matter (e.g., gases).
Heterogeen Evenwicht: Different states of matter (e.g., solid and gas).
Title: Dynamics of Evenwichtsreacties
Reaction balance:
Within a time unit, equal numbers of molecules of A + B convert to C + D and vice versa.
Status of dynamic equilibrium where reaction rates equalize.
Title: Voorbeeld Evenwichtsreactie
Reactants: Fe³⁺ + SCN⁻
Products: Fe(SCN)²⁺ (red complex)
Visualization of balance between color states of the reaction.
Title: Wet van het Chemisch Evenwicht
Determining the point when a particular reaction reaches a dynamic equilibrium state.
General equilibrium reaction given.
Title: Evenwichtsconstante K
[P]e^p [Q]e^q / [A]e^a [B]e^b = Kc
Indicates the equilibrium condition in terms of concentrations.
Title: Voorbeeldoefening
In a 1L reaction chamber, initiation scenario for 2SO3(g)↔2SO2(g)+O2(g).
Calculation of equilibrium constant with given moles.
Title: Oefeningen Vragen
Specific questions assigned (6.7, p.243)—focus on group collaboration for solutions.
Title: Equilibrium Concepts
Summary of dynamic equilibriums and reactions.
Title: Herhaling Dynamisch Evenwicht
Short introduction to dynamic equilibrium.
Title: Verschuiving van het Chemisch Evenwicht
Clarification of conditions to shift reaction equilibrium.
Example: Haber-Bosch process favoring ammonia production.
Title: Demoproef
Experimental setup related to shifting equilibrium of the Fe(SCN) system under various conditions.
Title: Invloed van Concentratieverandering
Adding/removing reactants causes shifts in equilibrium to offset the change.
Example with Br2 + H2O.
Title: Verdunning en Druk
Effects of dilution and pressure changes on equilibrium state; shift towards maximizing particle count.
Title: Invloed Concentratie en Druk
Short review of principles affecting equilibrium in gas systems.
Title: Invloed Temperatuur en Katalysator
Overview of temperature and catalyst effects on reaction equilibrium.
Title: Invloed van Temperatuur op het Evenwicht
Explanation on endothermic and exothermic reactions in terms of temperature changes.
Title: Invloed van een Katalysator
Katalysators affect reaction rates without shifting equilibrium position.
Title: Wet van Le Chatelier
Principle detailing equilibrium responses to disturbances; system adjusts to counteract changes.
Title: Oefeningen Vragen
Assignments for questions on equilibrium; collaboration encouraged.
Title: Toepassing Haber Bosh Process
Chemical equations related to the Haber process illustrated; focus on ammonia synthesis.