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Physics: Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics Notes

Physics: Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics Notes

Measurement Scales

  • Celsius Scale - based on where water freezes and where water boils
  • Kelvin scale - based on the movement of particles

Absolute Zero 

  • Occurs at 0 K where all particles stop moving
  • It is not possible for temperatures to go below 0 K
  • 0 K equates to -273.15 degrees celsius

Particle Motion

  • Hot Air = fast particle motion
  • Cold Air = slow particle motion

Thermal Expansion

  • Fast moving particles spread out
  • Causes objects to expand when heated and to contract when cooled
  • Different materials have different rates of expansion and contraction

Kinetic Energy

  • Kinetic Energy - energy associated with the movement of molecules
  • Heat energy is transferred from one object to another
  • Kinetic - Molecular Theory - when particles move faster kinetic energy and temperature both increases

Heat Flow in Substancs

  • Energy travels from high energy to low energy
  • High energy = hot
  • Low energy = cold


  • Energy transferred through direct contact
  • When materials are heated electron gain energy causing them to move faster
  • When electrons collide, energy is transferred to nearby electrons


  • Energy transferred through the mixing of fluids
  • Hot fluid rises while cold fluid sinks
  • Heat occurs due to a movement with fluids


  • Energy transferred by the emission of electromagnetic waves

Specific Heat

  • Refers to the specific amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of a certain materual
  • A material with a low specific heat changed temperature more easily

Heat Formula

  • Heat formula - Q=mcΔT
  • Q = heat (joules)
  • m = mass (kg)
  • c = specific heat
  • ΔT = change in temperature


  • If heat (Q) is negative heat has been lossed therefore temperature decreases
  • If heat (Q) is positive heat has been gained therefore temperature increases

Law of Conservation

  • The total amount of energy always remains the same
  • The amount of energy loses by one object is gained by another

Conductors and Insulators

  • Conductors examples - metals, water
  • Insulators examples - insulation, foam, air

Kinetic and Potential energy

  • Kinetic energy - associated with movement
  • Potential energy - stored energy, can also be chemical

Thermal Equilibrium

  • Occurs when no more energy or heat cn be transferred
  • Occurs when two objects have reached the same temperature


  • <font size="3">Study</font><font face="Roboto, sans-serif" size="3"> of heat and its transformation to mechanical energy</font>

Four Laws to <font size="3"><b>Thermodynamics</b></font>

  • Zeroth Law
  • 1st Law
  • 2nd Law
  • 3rd Law

Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

  • This law states if two objects are in an equilibrium with a third object then they are all in an equilibrium with each other

First Law of Thermodynamics

  • This law states that if the total increase in thermal energy of a system equals to the sum of the heat added to it
  • energy is conserved


  • entropy - measure of disorder in a system
  • solids have lower entropy while gasses have higher

Second Law of Thermodynamics

  • This law states that entropy of the universe is always maintained or increasing
  • it is impossible for any device to be 100% efficient

Third Law of Thermodynamics

  • This law states that entropy decreases as temperature decreases
  • Entropy is close to absolute zero
  • As temperatures increases so does entropy causing particles to move faster


Physics: Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics Notes

Physics: Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics Notes

Measurement Scales

  • Celsius Scale - based on where water freezes and where water boils
  • Kelvin scale - based on the movement of particles

Absolute Zero 

  • Occurs at 0 K where all particles stop moving
  • It is not possible for temperatures to go below 0 K
  • 0 K equates to -273.15 degrees celsius

Particle Motion

  • Hot Air = fast particle motion
  • Cold Air = slow particle motion

Thermal Expansion

  • Fast moving particles spread out
  • Causes objects to expand when heated and to contract when cooled
  • Different materials have different rates of expansion and contraction

Kinetic Energy

  • Kinetic Energy - energy associated with the movement of molecules
  • Heat energy is transferred from one object to another
  • Kinetic - Molecular Theory - when particles move faster kinetic energy and temperature both increases

Heat Flow in Substancs

  • Energy travels from high energy to low energy
  • High energy = hot
  • Low energy = cold


  • Energy transferred through direct contact
  • When materials are heated electron gain energy causing them to move faster
  • When electrons collide, energy is transferred to nearby electrons


  • Energy transferred through the mixing of fluids
  • Hot fluid rises while cold fluid sinks
  • Heat occurs due to a movement with fluids


  • Energy transferred by the emission of electromagnetic waves

Specific Heat

  • Refers to the specific amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of a certain materual
  • A material with a low specific heat changed temperature more easily

Heat Formula

  • Heat formula - Q=mcΔT
  • Q = heat (joules)
  • m = mass (kg)
  • c = specific heat
  • ΔT = change in temperature


  • If heat (Q) is negative heat has been lossed therefore temperature decreases
  • If heat (Q) is positive heat has been gained therefore temperature increases

Law of Conservation

  • The total amount of energy always remains the same
  • The amount of energy loses by one object is gained by another

Conductors and Insulators

  • Conductors examples - metals, water
  • Insulators examples - insulation, foam, air

Kinetic and Potential energy

  • Kinetic energy - associated with movement
  • Potential energy - stored energy, can also be chemical

Thermal Equilibrium

  • Occurs when no more energy or heat cn be transferred
  • Occurs when two objects have reached the same temperature


  • <font size="3">Study</font><font face="Roboto, sans-serif" size="3"> of heat and its transformation to mechanical energy</font>

Four Laws to <font size="3"><b>Thermodynamics</b></font>

  • Zeroth Law
  • 1st Law
  • 2nd Law
  • 3rd Law

Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

  • This law states if two objects are in an equilibrium with a third object then they are all in an equilibrium with each other

First Law of Thermodynamics

  • This law states that if the total increase in thermal energy of a system equals to the sum of the heat added to it
  • energy is conserved


  • entropy - measure of disorder in a system
  • solids have lower entropy while gasses have higher

Second Law of Thermodynamics

  • This law states that entropy of the universe is always maintained or increasing
  • it is impossible for any device to be 100% efficient

Third Law of Thermodynamics

  • This law states that entropy decreases as temperature decreases
  • Entropy is close to absolute zero
  • As temperatures increases so does entropy causing particles to move faster