What is crime?:
Legalistic: Violation of criminal law
Moral/Definition or Social Harms: Act of immorality, any act that causes pain and suffering, racism/sexism, etc.
Sociological: Crime serves a function for society
What is deviance?:
Violation of a social norm
Deviant & Criminal vs. Deviant, but not criminal vs. Criminal/Illegal, but not deviant
What is delinquency?:
Crimes committed by “young people”
What Crimes?:
Crimes against the Person: Assault, Homicide, Battery, etc.
Crimes against Property: Burglary, Embezzlement, Motor Vehicle Theft, Arson, etc.
Crimes against Public Order: Disturbing the Peace, Disorderly Conduct, Public Intoxication, etc.
Crimes against The State: Treason, Espionage, etc.
Crimes by The State: Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, Political Assassinations, Politiocal Repression, etc.
Corporate Crimes: Toxic waste dumping, Price-fixing, Corporate Negligence
Criminal Justice vs. Criminology:
Criminology: The scientific study and understanding of crime and criminal behavior
Criminal Justice: The study of the 3 major parts of the system (Policing, Courts, Corrections)
Criminalistics: The “who done it” people of crime
Mala Prohibita:
Acts that are bad because they have been prohibited
Mala in Se:
Acts that are inherently bad
Wide-scale consensus in their prohibition
Crime over Time:
Gemeinschaft: Simple, communal, relatively homogenous societies (characterized by normative consensus)
Gesellschaft: Complex, associational, individualistic, heterogeneous (crime is the product of anomie)
Consensus vs. Conflict Views:
Consensus View: Crime is functional, Agreement between members of society and what is “wrong”, Equal application of the law
Conflict View: The law is a tool of the ruling class, Used to protect the status quo
Top 10 Crimes of the past 100+ Years:
Significant based on: Precedence, Historical context, Media attention
St. Valentine’s Day Massacre (Feb. 14, 1929)
The Holocaust (1941 - 1945)
The Assassination of JFK (Nov. 1963)
Murder of 3 Civil Rights workers in Mississippi (Jun. 1964)
The Manson Family Killings (Aug. 1969)
Watergate (Jun. 1972)
Columbine H.S. Shooting (1999)
O.J. (Jan. 1995)
OKC Bombing (Apr. 1995) & 9/11
Attica Prison Riot (Sep. 1971)
Murder of George Floyd (2020)
Overall Crime Statistics:
Official Crime Statistics: The Uniform Crime Reports (UCR), published by the F.B.I., voluntarily sent by police departments, Index Crimes (Part 1: Homicide, Forcible Rpae, Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Burglary, Larceny-Theft, Motor Vehicle Theft, Arson) (Part 2: All other crimes), only part of the crime rate, does not mean solved crimes, all reported crimes, all offenses (hierarchy rule), all crime committed
The Dark Figure: All crimes not reported to the police (i.e. sexual assault, domestic violence, etc.)
NIBRS: National Incident Based Reporting System, more detailed information than UCR, more crimes, attempted vs. completed crime
Victimization Surveys: National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), avoid using “crime” terms
Self-Report Surveys: Allows the public to state opinions/report crime on their own