ap hug review

unit seven: economics

  • Gini coefficient/index: income inequality within in nation (higher Gini is WORSE)

    • like a genie, granting money to the poor

    • “gross income national inequality”

  • NGOs: non-governmental organizations

    • programs or loans given by governments and international non-profit agencies

    • aim is social, not government-focused (any private organization is non-gov)

    • filling the gap of what gov can’t do

    • ex. microloans or credit given to women: Grameen Bank who founded Bangladesh in 1983

  • commodities: raw materials that have not been processed (ex coffee, cocoa, oil)

  • commodity dependence: when more than 60% of country’s exports are commodities

    • ex. Angola, Iraq, Chad, norway, nigeria

  • spin-off benefits: or spread effects: growth poles have positive economic outcomes outside of growth pole area

    • can also have multiplier effects of adding jobs

    • ex. China’s east has pulled people from the west bc of prosperous urban centers

  • comparative advantage: specializing in one industry: you have the advantage

  • multiplier effect: one success creates more jobs !!

    • “multiplies opportunities”

  • break of bulk point: when we break up the bulk of materials and change mode of transportation (like ship to truck etc)

    • unload and reload, more complicated

    • containerization: same containers every time, easier

  • Mercosur: south American trading bloc

  • post-Fordist: shifting away from assembly line to WHAT

unit three: culture

  • lingua franca: common language (ex. english, mandarin in china, swahili in africa)

  • creole language: combo of two languages

    • creolization: when pidgin lang becomes the main lang

  • pidgin lang: simple creole language

  • isolated lang: basque in spain

  • isogloss: a line on dialect map: shows boundary between dialects, you, youse, y’all, etc

  • indo-european lang family: ex. baltic, celtic, germanic, indo-iranian

    • english, spanish, german, latin, greek, russian, persian, hindi, etc

    • abt half of world pop

  • toponym: a place named after topographical feature (river, valley, etc.) CAN BE MISLEADING

  • ethnic vs universal religions: ethnic: hinduism, judaism

    • universal: seeking to convert others (christianity, islam)

  • Hinduism: india! indus river valley

    • karma, darma (ethics/duties), rebirth

  • Buddhism: goal is to become enlightened & reach nirvana

    • originated in india → moved to china, more in china than india

  • Sikhism: from punjab region of india/pakistan

    • rebirth and karma fusing hinduism & islam

  • syncretism: syncing: merging dif forms of belief and practice

unit six: urban growth

  • urban infill: building up underused lands within a city

    • ex. Civita CA: community built on the site of a former quarry, mixed housing types

    • opposite of leapfrog dev & sprawl

  • eminent domain: gov claims property from individuals & pays them for it and then uses it for public good (disproportionately affects minorities)

  • ecumene: greek word for settlements: any place that is habitable

  • metropolitan statistical area: over 50k, connected to other cities

  • micro stat area: over 10k but less than 50k

  • boomburbs: rapidly growing communities, not biggest city tho, ex. sun prairie

  • decentralization: ex. building services away from the city center

  • megacities: cities with 10M or more ex. LA (19M)

  • metacities: cities with 20M or more !! ex. sao paulo, mexico city, tokyo ofc

  • gravity model: mutual attraction that pulls, between cities or around the area

  • functional zone: zones that have functions haha

  • suq/souk: an arab market or marketplace; a bazaar

  • griffin-ford model: latin american urban model: commercial spine, mall (cathedral)

  • disamenity zone: areas not connected to city services, run by gangs, etc. ex. cities in south america, favelas, etc

  • mcgee model: southeast ASIA urban model

    • alien zones (china & india), ports

  • exurbs: communities beyond suburbs, ex. amish or farmland

  • bedroom communities: commuter communities!!!! ex. sun prairie and sauk to madison, etc

  • smart growth policies: transportation and policies to prevent SPRAWL (you want the growth in your CITY)

  • slow-growth cities: policies to preserve farmland and other open, undev spaces near city

  • new urbanism: 1990s movement to reduce urban sprawl, increase affordable housing, create livable neighborhoods, etc

  • census block/tract: block is smaller in tract

  • inclusionary zoning: to combat segregation, incentives for low-income housing mixed in, etc

  • gentrification: when wealthy ppl move into & renovate a neighborhood (usually inner city) & make it unaffordable for existing residents

  • urban canyons: streets lined w tall building that can channel & intensify wind & prevent natural sunlight from reaching the ground

  • urban heat islands: warmer than surrounding area

  • urban redevelopment: removing former buildings and rebuilding from ground up

  • nodal cities: connectors (aka ATLANTA, DENVER) think airports=nodes

  • municipality: city or town that has corporate status and local government ex. rc

  • post-fordism production: small-batch production, economies of scope, specialized products and jobs, new information technologies, rise of the white-collar worker, and the feminization of the workforce

  • urban sprawl: the spread of dev outward from inner city

unit four

  • autonomous region: baby state but has freedom from parent state (ex. puerto rico)

  • semi autonomous region: basically its own but needs help sometimes (ex. hong kong

  • sovereignty: supreme power or authority

    • ability of state to govern territory, have rec, etc (ex. leader leading their own country, under control)

  • self-determination: ethnicities should have the right to govern themselves ex. quebec in canada

  • satellite states: a state dominated by another (puppet states) ex. soviet union having satellite states Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and East German

  • devolution: when big blocks of countries split up (ex. soviet union breaking up)

  • geometric boundary: straight line boundaries (sometimes along parallel or meridian) ex. libya & egypt (aozou strip)

  • consequent boundary: border drawn taking in account already existing landscape (cultural or physical)

  • cultural consequent boundary: ex. india & pakistan border (based on religion)

  • physical consequent boundary


  • defined: legal documents (invisible line)

    • ex. south china sea, chile & argentina border

  • delimited: shown on map (problems w artic on map)

  • demarcated: physical objects showing the boundary (signs, walls) ex. russia putting flag in arctic

  • definitional dispute: disagree on how to interpret legal documents or maps, often with antecedent boundaries like andes mountains in chile and argentina

  • locational dispute: on where a boundary should be, how it should be delimited (mapped) or demarcated aka TERRITORIAL DISPUTES ex. germany and poland on who controlled land before ww1

  • allocational boundary: RESOURCES (you get your allocation)

    • separating natural resources (ex. iraq & kuwait border)

  • antecedent boundary: mountain: physical stuff (ex. malaysia & indonesia)

  • subsequent boundary: people were already there, draw the line around them, etc. (vietnam & china)

  • superimposed boundary; straight lines! superman! (ex. africa)

  • relic: ghost, vietnam (north and south), us north and south (civil war), great wall of china, berlin wall

  • irredentism: reuniting people who share language and culture but are in different nations (ex. russia and ukraine)

  • operational dispute ex. eu with syrian refugees

  • allocational dispute ex. iraq & kuwait border w oil i think

  • administered boundary: how the country administers boundary (strict or relaxed etc)

  • controlled border: border is controlled, not left empty etc

  • exclave: part of state but separated physically ex. alaska, kaliningrad & russia

  • frontier: zone separating two states where neither has political control

  • balkanization: state breaks down bc of ethnic conflict ex. yugoslavia

  • autocracy: dictatorship basically

  • political enclave: vatican city (italy): completely surrounded by another state

  • territorial sea: 12 nautical miles, commercial ok but not noncommercial

  • international waters: high seas, past EEZ

  • eez: exclusive economic zone: up to 200 nautical miles, can do stuff

  • sids: small island developing states, eez is very valuable: much bigger than their landmass ex. Tuvalu: eez is 27k times bigger than landmass

  • electorate: the people who can vote

  • gerrymandering: weird districts to change voting outcomes

  • federal state: has local gov too, ex. belgium, us

  • unitary state: just federal gov, no local (ex. china)

  • democratization: transition from autocratic form of gov to more representative forms of politics ex. tech helping reform movements communicate in china, iran, egypt, etc.

  • ethnonationalism: support for political interests of a particular ethnic group within a state, esp national independence ex. fragmentation in syria and iraq gave rise to kurdish independence movements

  • decolonization: colonies gaining independence (ex. post-european colonies in africa like nigeria from england etc)

unit five: ag

  • economies of scale:

  • land coverage change: how land is used and how the change of land effects it

  • food desert: neighborhood where residents have little to no access to healthy and affordable food (1 mile, 10 miles in rural areas)

  • examples of intensive and extensive etc

rate of natural increase

  • birth rate - death rate

  • can be negative (ex. russia)

  • no immigration etc

total fertility rate: average number of babies per woman
