Atom’s History:
In 450 BC, Democritus brought up “atoms”
Matter is made up of atoms
Atoms → Extremely small, indivisible particles
Democritus was rejected for being unable to explain how they stick together
Ben Franklin - 1740s
He studied static electricity ⚡️
(Idea) lighting “big static”
He used a Leyden Jar for experiment
→ He concluded that two positives repel and a positive and a negative attract
Burned magnesium and oxygen producing MgO in a sealed container
Mass of reactants = Mass of products
Proved law of Conservation of Mass
Proves law of def in the proportions, H20
Dalton - 1803
| School teacher who developed the 1st atomic theory
Matter is made up of indivisible particles called atoms
All atoms of a given element are identical but differ from atoms of another element
Atoms are not created or destroyed in chemical reactions
A given compound has the same relative number and types of atoms
Mid 1800’s
He created the “cathode Ray-tube”
Glass tube coated with fluorescent material
The material flows across the tube, this material is radiation ☢
Connects two electrodes (connected to a battery to the tube)
Concludes about Radiation from battery
It can move a paddle (has mass)
Has magnetic properties
JJ Thomson
British scientists who used an apparatus to probe particles are “electron”
Develops “mass to charge ratio”
He was eating dessert when he developed the “plum pudding model”
Robert Millikan
| American scientist famous for “oil drop experiment”
Used mass to charge ratio to determine mass and charge of electrons
Charge of electron 1.6 × 10^-19
Mass of electron 9.11 × 10^-28g
Late 1800 - Henry Becquerel
Discovers radioactive uranium
Exposed photograph plate to uranium
First ever x-ray was of a rock 🪨
Discovery of Radiation Phenomenon
Early 1900’s - Ernest Rutherford
Discovers Alpha (a), Beta (B), and Gamma (Y) radiation
Performs the “gold foil” experiment
Discovery of the nucleus (positively charged center of an atom)
Atoms are mostly empty space (everything is made of atoms)
1932 - James Chadwick
British scientist who discovered the neutron
Neutrally charged subatomic particles
Early 1900’s - Moseley
Discovered positively charged subatomic particles (protons)
discovered atomic number