Electric Current
Key Terms and Concepts
Electric Circuit -a complete pathway that allows electrons to flow
Why it doesn’t take time for something with electric energy to turn on even though potential energy exists
Electric Load -any device that transforms electrical energy into other forms of energy
Circuit Diagrams -diagrams that use symbols to represent the different components of a circuit
Source -source of electrical energy (e.g. light bulb)
Conductor -the wire through which electric current flows
Load -device that transforms electrical energy into other forms of energy
Switch -device that can turn the circuit on or off by closing or opening the circuit
Circuit Symbols -symbols that help simplify complex circuits in a diagram
Current -steady and continuous flowing movement of something
Current Electricity -the continuous flow of charge in a complete circuit
Electric Current -amount of charge passing a point in a conductor every second
Amperes -unit for measuring electric current (A)
Conventional Current Benjamin Franklin classified objects with a build-up or excess of electrical build-up to be positive and objects with the shortage of electrical fluid to be negative. His idea suggests that whenever electricity flows, it moves from positive to negative. However, this idea is the opposite idea to the one we use today. Purely, for historical reasons Franklin’s idea is now named the conventional current.
Short Circuit -happens when the current going through wires does not travel the correct path of the electrical current
Ammeter -device used to measure the current in a circuit