These theorists help understand the interplay between personal development and the microsystem of our environment, which is described in Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory.
Importance of Personal and Social Development
Predicts individual adjustment to social environments and self-reported wellbeing.
Social Development:
Progression in interpersonal abilities and getting along with others.
Affects learning experiences and enjoyment of learning.
Personal Development:
Growth in personality traits influencing interactions with physical and social environments.
Influences on Types of Development
Influenced by:
Temperament (Nature)
Genetic predispositions affecting behavior.
Examples of temperament:
Adaptable children who are generally happy.
Distractible children with low attention spans and self-regulation.
Children who slowly adjust to change with negative moods.
Parents and Other Adults (Nurture)
Parents, extended family, and teachers influence development.
Peers play a crucial role in shaping social interactions.
The Influence of Nature and Nurture
Nature: Genetic differences and temperament predispositions shape behavior.
Environments impact temperamental expressions.
Example of gendered socialization:
Shy and inhibited behavior is often accepted for girls.
Boisterous behavior is typically encouraged in boys.
The environment may condition individuals differently based on gender roles, shaping their interactions and personality traits.