MIS_Week_3_2 - Tagged

Page 1: Introduction

  • Course Title: Management Information Systems

  • Week: 3 - 2

  • Date: February 5, 2025

  • Instructor: Yuyang Ye

  • Contact: yuyang.ye@rutgers.edu

Page 2: What is a Database?

  • Definition: A database is a collection of data in a structured format.

  • Examples: Personal experiences where data is organized, such as spreadsheets or contact lists.

  • Features:

    • Modern databases are stored electronically on computers.

    • Standardizes storage of similar data.

    • Can contain trillions of bytes of data.

    • Supports thousands of simultaneous users.

Page 3: Introduction to Data Management

  • Definition: Data Management involves organizing and maintaining data within and across database systems.

  • Operational Efficiencies:

    • Adding new information.

    • Updating existing data.

    • Erasing outdated or unnecessary data.

  • Storage:

    • Data is typically stored in relational database tables for ease of access and management.

    • Well-organized databases ensure smooth interactions and data integrity across systems.

Page 4: Database Management Systems (DBMS)

  • Definition: DBMS is software that manages data in a database.

  • Types of Databases:

    • Relational Databases

    • NoSQL Databases

    • Cloud Databases

  • Functions: Ensures data security, consistency, and availability.

  • Complexity: Managing large databases with many users adds complexity to DBMS.

Page 5: Key Issues in Data Management

  • Considerations:

    • Number of tables in a database.

    • Types of data each table should store.

    • How tables are linked (relationships).

  • Example: Designing a library database (tables for books, members, loans).

  • System-level Questions:

    • How many systems an organization needs.

    • Functions and information each system contains.

    • How systems interact.

Page 6: General Data Management Issues

  • Increasing Data Volume: Organizations are accumulating massive amounts of data.

    • Historical data retention and slow data deletion rates contribute to increased volume.

  • Accelerating Data Growth: New technologies make data collection easier and faster, leading to accelerated accumulation.

Page 7: Considerations for Data Collection

  • Data Gathering: Organizations need to decide which types of data to collect (e.g., clickstream data from websites).

  • Data Value: Just because data accumulates quickly, does not mean it is valuable.

    • Organizations may collect data without a clear purpose first, then seek its value.

  • Traditional Approach: Data was traditionally gathered in response to specific operational questions or problems.

Page 8: Data Fusion, Accuracy, Security, and Quality

  • Data Fusion: The act of combining data from multiple sources, which can enhance operations (e.g., sharing inventory data).

  • Data Quality Issues: Organizations often face data accuracy problems due to redundancy, poor system coordination, and insufficient error checks.

  • Data Security: The protection of data against unauthorized deletion, corruption, or misuse. Threats can be intentional (hacking) or unintentional.

Page 9: Transaction Processing (TPS)

  • Definition: Involves tracking day-to-day events, such as orders and accounting entries.

  • Characteristics:

    • Involves ongoing updates to data tables (adding/modifying/deleting rows).

    • Example actions include adding new customer orders and modifying customer information.

Page 10: Analytical Processing

  • Definition: Combines data from many or all rows to derive insights via complex queries and summarization.

    • Examples: Total sales computation, summarizing costs by category.

  • Types of Processing:

    • Classic MIS: Basic grouping and summarization.

    • Advanced: Data mining for pattern discovery using statistical techniques.

Page 11: Decision Support

  • Definition: Utilizes data for complex decision formulation (e.g., logistics planning for shipments).

  • Limitations:

    • Simple systems like Access can manage basic decisions but cannot perform data mining independently without additional software integration.

Page 12: Challenges with Simultaneous Processing

  • Issues:

    • High transaction volumes may hinder analytical processing and vice versa.

    • Analytical processes may cause data inconsistencies if data changes during calculation.

  • Solution: Create a data warehouse for analytical processing without disrupting transaction processes.

Page 13: Single Table Database

  • Example: Consider a simple loan database with one table—LOAN, containing multiple attributes.

  • Issues: High potential for data redundancy, update anomalies, and lack of normalization.

Page 14-21: Data Redundancy and Anomalies

  • Data Redundancy:

    • Problem: Repetitive customer information leads to increased risk of inconsistencies.

  • Update Anomalies:

    • Problem: Different addresses may exist for the same customer across records.

  • Insertion Anomalies:

    • Problem: Difficulties in adding new data without existing examples (e.g., a customer without a loan).

  • Deletion Anomalies:

    • Problem: Losing important customer information after deleting their last loan record.

Page 22: Summary of Single Table Issues

  • Single-table databases result in:

    • Data redundancy

    • Update anomalies

    • Insertion anomalies

    • Deletion anomalies

  • Solution: Normalize with multiple related tables to overcome these issues.

Page 23-24: Repeating Groups

  • Definition: Allows multiple fields for repeated data to avoid anomalies.

    • Drawbacks: Fixed maximum number of repeats can lead to excessive storage and may not fit varying data needs.

Page 25: Solution with Multiple Tables

  • Multiple Tables Approach:

    • Customer Table: Stores customer information.

    • Loan Table: Stores loan information.

    • Using foreign keys to link tables effectively eliminates redundancy and anomalies, ensuring single storage of customer information.

Page 26: ER Modeling

  • Definition: Entity-Relationship (ER) modeling visualizes relationships between entities in a database.

    • Example: Customers and loans in a one-to-many relationship.

Page 27-28: ER Diagram Attributes

  • Customer Entity Attributes:

    • Examples: CustomerID, FirstName, LastName, Address, etc.

  • Loan Entity Attributes:

    • Examples: LoanID, Date, Amount, Rate, etc.

  • Relationship representation: Each Loan references a Customer via CustomerID (foreign key).

Page 29: Example Loan Entity

  • Detailed attributes of loan records displayed, demonstrating the relationship with the customer.

Page 30: Database Design Overview

  • Definition: Specification of database objects such as tables, columns, data types, and indexes.

  • Design Process: Involves conceptual, logical, and physical design phases for large databases.

Page 31: Conceptual Design Components

  • Components:

    • Entities: Represented as rectangles with rounded corners (e.g., Person, place, activity).

    • Relationships: Lines that define connections between entities.

    • Attributes: Descriptive properties of entities.

    • ER Diagrams: Visual representation of entities, relationships, and attributes supplemented by textual descriptions.

Page 32: Example ER Diagrams

  • Examples of ER diagrams presented to illustrate relationships and entities in database design.
