New Manifest Destiny

The War with Spain

Notes/Key Terms: 

  • Cuba libre

    • A free cuba after years of fighting for independence

  •  yellow journalism

    •  sensitizational news accounts meant to sell newspapers by provoking an emotional response and readers yellow journalism contributed to the growth of public support for American intervention in Cuba

  • Us opinion towards War was fueled by the battleship name exploding killing 266 sailors 

  • Teller Amendment

    •  an amendment to the 1898 declaration of war against Spain stipulating the Cuba should be free in independent 

  •  Spanish American War

    •  the war of the United States declared against Spain to 8 Cuban revolutionaries and their ongoing war for independence

      •  us Victory led to annexation of Philippines Puerto Rico and Guam

      •  also sometimes called the  war of 1898

  • Rough Riders

    •  the nickname of Theodore Roosevelt's Regiment of the first United States volunteer Cavalry which found Cuba 

  • Us black soldiers were persecuted for being part of the military

    •  violence broke out

    •  black soldiers retaliated 

  •  Platt Amendment

    •  in 1901 act of Congress that limited Cuban sovereignty

    •  us officials pressured Cuban leaders to incorporate the amendment into the Cuban Constitution

    •  Amendment prohibited the Cuban government from signing treaties with other nations without us consent

    •  remove threats to economics stability and gave us a naval base 

Application: What arguments did the United States use to justify war with Spain?

The U.S. justified war by condemning Spain’s harsh treatment of Cubans and claiming a duty to intervene. They also blamed Spain for the USS Maine explosion, using it to rally public support for war.

The Philippine War

Notes/Key Terms: 

  • Anti imperialist League

    •  an organization founded in 1898 to oppose annexation of the Philippines some fear the annexation would bring competition from Chief labor others considered Philippines racially inferior in the Philippines unsuitable as an American territory

    •  people such as Mark Twain

    •  Andrew Carnage

    •  Jane Addams

    •  Samuel Gompers

  • Philippine war became increasingly deadly as they found out that Spanish rule would simply be replaced by American rule

  • Court for the war in the Philippines cookie faded affirming that the US did To take the position of a strong man fighting against a weak and teeny child 

Application: What were the main arguments against U.S. occupation of the Philippines?

Opponents argued that occupying the Philippines went against American ideals of freedom and self-government. They also believed it would lead to costly conflicts, unnecessary foreign entanglements, and exploitation of the Filipino people.

Extending U.S. Imperialism, 1899-1913

Notes/Key Terms:  

  • The Spanish-American War turn the United States into the Imperial Nation

    •  looking to extend its influence 

  • Your Roosevelt was a progressive era interventionist

    •  believed that the national government must intervene in economic and social Affairs to maintain stability and avoid class Warfare 

  • Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

    •  granted the United States the right to construct the Panama Canal along with Britain 

  • Boxer Rebellion

    •  in 1900 a Chinese militia and secret society known as The Boxers attacked foreign diplomatic offices in Beijing to expel Outsiders

      •  attacked killed and burned Christian books they shed sweetheart 

  • Big stick diplomacy

    •  aggressive foreign diplomacy backed by the threat of force it name come from a proverb quoted by Theodore Roosevelt speak softly and carry a big stick 

  • Roosevelt added to the Monroe Doctrine

    •  the right to the United States to interview an internal affairs to any country in 500 or only trillion that despite chronic long-due and cannot preserve order or manage its own affairs

  • Roosevelt Corollary

    • A modification to the Monroe Doctrine that affirm the right of the United States to intervene in the internal affairs of Caribbean and Latin American countries to preserve order and protect American interests

      •  argued that these territories were within the US sphere of influence 

Application: How did the United States expand its influence in the Western hemisphere after the Spanish-American War?

The U.S. expanded its influence by taking control of former Spanish territories like Puerto Rico and exerting power over Cuba through the Platt Amendment. It also strengthened its presence in Latin America with the Roosevelt Corollary, justifying intervention to protect its interests.

Opening the Door in China

Notes/Key Terms:  

  • Open door policy

    •  in 1899 policy in which Secretary of State John Hay informed the nation's occupying China that the United States had the right of equal trade in China 

  • Roosevelt kept using the justification of keeping the peace as a way to imperialize 

  • Dollar Diplomacy

    •  the term used by President Taft to describe the economic focus of his foreign policy Taft hope to use economic policies in the control of the foreign assets by American companies to expand US influence in Latin America and Asia 

Application:  How did U.S. policies in Asia mirror the U.S. policies in Latin America during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

In both Asia and Latin America, the U.S. used economic and military influence to control trade and politics. The Open Door Policy in China promoted U.S. economic interests, while the Roosevelt Corollary justified intervention in Latin America to protect stability and U.S. investments.
