PSCH 443 Intro to Regression Bivariate Regrassion

Introduction to Regression

  • Regression is a statistical method used to model relationships between variables.

  • Bivariate regression focuses on the effect of one independent variable on one dependent variable.

  • Multiple regression extends this to study the effect of multiple independent variables on one dependent variable.

Understanding Variables

  • Dependent Variable (Y): The outcome variable we care about and want to study.

  • Independent Variable (X): The variable used to predict or explain changes in the dependent variable.

  • Variability in Y is critical. We're interested in why some individuals may score high while others may score low on the dependent variable.

    • Examples include academic performance, mental health measures, etc.

The Goal of Regression Models

  • The aim is to explain the variance of the dependent variable (Y).

  • We explore questions such as:

    • Why do some people excel in standardized tests while others do not?

  • Statistical modeling helps explain variability in response to changes in predictor variables.

Example of Predicting Success in College

  • Outcome Variable: College GPA

  • Predictor Variable: High School GPA

  • We can model predicting college success using high school performance as a predictor.

  • From simple regression (one predictor) to multiple regression (multiple predictors), the fundamental principles remain similar.

Visual Representation of Regression

  • Scatter plots illustrate the variability of Y based on changes in X.

  • A simple regression model defines a linear relationship.

    • Example equation: Y = A + B * X

      • A: Y-intercept (value of Y when X=0)

      • B: Slope (indicates how much Y changes as X increases)

Evaluating Models

  • We need to define what a good model looks like and how it explains the data.

  • Two approaches to regression:

    1. Best Predictor Approach: Identify which independent variables significantly explain the dependent variable.

    2. Causal Modeling Approach: A broader exploration of how a system of variables predicts an outcome, incorporating complex relationships (non-linear).

  • Good models are determined by their ability to explain the most variability effectively.

Understanding Model Parameters

  • Simple Linear Model: Y = A + B * X

  • Parameters:

    • A (Intercept): Changes the position of the line up or down on the Y-axis.

    • B (Slope): Reflects how steep the line is, indicating the strength and direction of the relationship.

    • Y-hat (Ŷ): Represents predicted values of Y based on our model.

Interpreting Slope Changes

  • The slope (B) indicates how much Y changes for each one-unit increase in X.

  • Adjusting B changes the steepness of the line:

    • Positive B = increase in Y

    • Negative B = decrease in Y

    • B=0 results in a flat line, indicating no relationship.

Observed vs. Predicted Values

  • Observed Values: Actual measurements collected in the study.

  • Predicted Values (Ŷ): These values are derived from the regression model based on chosen parameters.

    • We will evaluate how well the predicted values match the observed values to assess the model's effectiveness.

  • The process of determining A and B for the best predictive equation is crucial.
